This is a Ruby on Rails and React.js based implementation of the Boggle game.
Ruby 2.6.5p114
Rails 6.0.1
Node : v12.13.1
npm : 6.6.0 or Yarn
React JS 16.12.0
You need to have bundler installed in your system.
Step 1: You can install it by typing:
$ gem install bundler
Step 2: Install all the related package.
Open of a terminal window in the root of the project /boggle-rails-react and type :
$ bundle install
Step 3: Install the necessary node packages:
$ yarn install or
$ npm install
Step 4: Run the server:
$ rails server
Note: All database dependencies, Active records dependencies have been intentionally removed as we wont be needing them for this demo project.
Boggle is a word game invented by Allan Turoff and originally distributed by Parker Brothers. The game is played using a grid of letters, in which the players attempt to find words in sequences of adjacent letters.
Basically, The player searches for words that can be constructed from the letters of sequentially adjacent cubes, where "adjacent" cubes are those horizontally, vertically and diagonally neighboring. Words must be at least three letters long, may include singular and plural (or other derived forms) separately. The application records all the words that is submitted by the players. After three minutes have elapsed, the application stops the player from the game play and the game enters the scoring phase.
You can test the Rails API by executing the following code in a terminal window, at the root of the (/boggle-rails-react) project:
$ bundle exec rspec
$ yarn test
MIT © Zaagan
- Ozesh Thapa - @Zaagan | DebuggersHub