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In a Park. On a Beach

We just want to create a free minimal optimized SEO friendly blog with the help of Firebase and Vercel .


We want very minimal set of pages as follows:

  1. Home page /
  2. Login page /login
  3. Logout page /logout
  4. Create page /create
  5. Edit page /edit/{slug}
  6. Article page /{slug}


Firebase Project setup

  1. Create a Firebase project
  2. Create a Firestore database and set this rule to protect unauthorized publishing of articles:
    rules_version = '2';
    service cloud.firestore {
        match /databases/{database}/documents {
            match /{document=**} {
            allow read: if true;
            allow write: if request.auth != null;
  3. Create a Firestore storage to store images
  4. Enable email authentication
  5. Add a user with email and password so that no one else can write article but you
  6. Create a web app

Vercel Project setup

  1. Fork this project
  2. Host it on Vercel
  3. Copy Firebase creds of created web app and add them to environment variables on Vercel like below:
  4. Redeploy the project again

Create content

Update Title and Tab Title

Click on pencil icon in header after log in from /login

Create content

  1. After login, click "Create an article" on home page to go to /create
  2. Save article. After saving it will redirect to /edit/{new-slug}

Edit and Delete content

  1. Log in. Visit an article. Click Edit or Delete

Create Privacy, Terms, About and Author page

  • Create articles with title Privacy, Terms, About and Author. Links will also be shown in Footer.
  • About page's content's first four lines will be shown on Home page at top. Clicking on it will redirect to About page.
  • About page's first image will be shown next to header title.
  • Author description will be show on right hand side on home page with first image

Known issues

  1. Favicon is not available
  2. No draft stage
  3. Not using Caching
  4. Some design issues
  5. No confirmation for saving/updating an article and no loading state
  6. 404 page doesn't exist