There is the projects what uses OpenGL functions (glad, glfw)
Begin day (day 0): 03/12/2023. History: Day 0: i make the repository. All. Day 1: my best friend helped me install OpenGL, but I didn't figure it out completely. I'm sorry, I'm studying the official documentation. Day 335 (02/11/2024): work on the repository has resumed. I am currently actively studying OpenGL. But the libraries will change - there will only be glfw, glad and my universal library of my own production (I do not know why, but glew and gl do not want to work properly). In my opinion, I have made a lot of progress during this time - I have learned the glsl language and now I can use it at a basic level. Wait for the news. Day 336: i learned even more about the basics of OpenGL, learned how to play sounds using OpenAL, and added a WAV file parser to my library.