This script is used to update the Dynamic DNS (DDNS) service based on MongoDB, specifically for those using Indih*ome ISP π. It is written in Bash and can automatically change the access list in MongoDB.
git clone
This script is used with crontab. Specify the frequency of execution through crontab.
# ββββββββββββββ minute/menit (0 - 59)
# β ββββββββββββββ hour/jam (0 - 23)
# β β ββββββββββββββ day/hari of the month (1 - 31)
# β β β ββββββββββββββ month/bulan (1 - 12)
# β β β β ββββββββββββββ day/hari of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday 7 is also Sunday on some systems)
# β β β β β ββββββββββββββ command to issue
# β β β β β β
# β β β β β β
# * * * * * /bin/bash {Location of the script}
If you're using Raspberry Pi, make sure to add a delay before running the script:
@reboot sleep 180 && bash /path/to/your/script
Success Add IP Address on Access List
Fail to add, Already IP Address on Access List
This script was made with reference from K0p1-Git | Cloudflare Dynamic DNS IP Updater Github.