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A sample Meteor application to play with mixing authentication, TinyTest, settings, models, hooks and forms.

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This is a sample Meteor application to play with mixing authentication, TinyTest, settings, models, hooks and forms.

This application is a form to store user requests in a table and admins manage the request with a simple workflow where admins can set an unordered 'status' field or some private fields.

The field status is shared between admins and users.

Quick start

Install Meteor in debian wheezy with backports (07/2014)

$ apt-get install build-essential

$ apt-get install nodejs mongodb-server
$ ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
$ curl | sh

# install Meteor
$ curl | sh

Get this code

git clone
cd MyAppSimple/

Add packages:

meteor add aldeed:collection2
meteor add aldeed:autoform
meteor add matb33:collection-hooks
meteor add iron:router

meteor add accounts-password
meteor add alanning:roles
meteor add mrt:accounts-admin-ui-bootstrap-3
meteor add ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3

meteor add atoy40:accounts-cas
meteor add atoy40:accounts-ldap-profile

meteor add kasoki:reactive-table
meteor add natestrauser:font-awesome
meteor add showdown
meteor add email

meteor add anti:i18n
meteor add jeeeyul:moment-with-langs


meteor test-packages tests/  --settings tests/Meteor.settings.test

Watch results in http://localhost:3000


server/Meteor.settings.tmpl contains a sample settings file. You can copy and protect server/Meteor.settings with .gitignore and set your secret values.

server/Meteor.settings contains values visible on server side. Only values in subset " public": { } are visible on client side.

You can start to define an application name (AppName) and environment status : only prod environment will send mails.


model.js contains the description of Apps collection.

collection2 and collection-hooks are used to manage most of access logic and data processing from model.js. This allow to write quick and easy tests. Moreover, server/publish.js show Apps' documents to owners and the special AppName application to everybody.

You will find in model.js some sample code for sending e-mails, deny/allow access to data and some hooks to limit fields or values to admins or users.

collection2 allows to manage mandatory and default values or create an update history of changes.


To create a mixed authentication between local login/password and remote Jasig CAS login and ldap account, we use account-password, roles, accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 and account-cas, account-ldap-profile.

accounts-admin-ui-bootstrap-3 allows to manage roles.

client/client.js contains code to remove forgoten and changing password functionalities for remote account. Meteor.settings contains samples for cas/ldap settings ability to create some default local accounts and roles created on startup.

CAS needs to use the real server URL. You need to set ROOT_URL on meteor startup :

ROOT_URL="" meteor --settings server/Meteor.settings

router.js is used to request authentication.


Even most of Meteor and Meteor packages use TinyTest, there's a real lack of documentation on Meteor testing.

In tests/ directory you will find a simple tests.js with some tests to validate data access by roles.

meteor test-packages tests/  --settings tests/Meteor.settings.test

You will watch results on http://localhost:3000

insecure_login.js allows switching between few users profiles. Apps collection is flushed before any admin connexion.

packages.js defines packages and production files to be tested : the most important files for this sample app are model.jsand publish.js̀ . router.jsandMeteor.settings.testare used to respect some mandatory values used inmodel.js`.


Views are defined in client/myappsimple.html and client/client.js.

### Table

The package reactive-table is used to show paginate data with sorting and data filtering. client/client.js contains a sample with settings for reactive-table to show the use of templates, function, cell editing in a modal form.


autoform is used to create two forms : one for 'insert' and a modular and modal bootstrap 'update" form.

Form fields are defined with collection2 in model.js. You will find some sample code for various fields : textarea, array with select or checkbox, mandatory and hidden fields.


You will find some samples to use text translation for various languages with anti:i18n in templates, helpers or model. Moreover the use of moment-with-langs allows to write dates and time in local language.

showdown allows to use Markdown in templates or write a full page as in appInfo.


There is a lot of documentation to deploy a Meteor app with nginx or apache config, scripts to package and deploy, forever config for nodejs app but I don't find any sample to deploy a Meteor application on Debian with a minimal setting.

You will find in server/ a simple start-stop-daemon with logs send in /var/log/messages. Feel free to custom this script with deploy or forever commands.

Meteor applications will be stored in /var/www/$NAME, configs in /etc/meteor/.

On client side

meteor build ../myappsimpleBundle --architecture os.linux.x86_32

scp ../myappsimpleBundle/myappsimple.tar.gz root@myappserver:/var/www/myappsimple
scp server/ root@myappserver:/etc/init.d/myappsimple
scp server/Meteor.settings root@myappserver:/etc/meteor/Meteor.myappsimple.settings

On server side

cd /var/www/myappsimple

tar zxvf myappsimple.tar.gz

vi /etc/init.d/myappsimple

/etc/init.d/myappsimple start

update-rc.d myappsimple defaults


Yves Agostini, <>


License : MIT

Copyright 2015 - Yves Agostini


A sample Meteor application to play with mixing authentication, TinyTest, settings, models, hooks and forms.







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