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GC bit swap

Yichao Yu edited this page Oct 23, 2016 · 1 revision

The problem

Currently, in order to do a full collection, we need to reset the GC marked bit in order to free them during the sweep phase if they were not reachable during the mark phase. This is costy since we need to sweep the whole heap (in additional to the whole heap marking).

The current GC bits assignment and the bookkeeping for sweep optimizations is also confusing and imprecise so we'd like to fix this at the same time.

GC bits

The main idea of the change is based on the observation that we don't really need to change the GC mark bit. Instead, we could ignore the mark bit during the marking phase and using a different bit for the actual marking instead. At the same time, we also decide to completely separate the old bit and the mark bit so that whether an object is old or young can be determined by a single bit instead of marked ^ queued.

In summary, the new GC bits scheme consists of the following GC bits

  • Age bit:

    Number of GC's a young object have survived. This is the same as before.

  • Old bit:

    Stored in the object, this is set for old objects, no matter if it is marked or not.

  • Mark bit:

    This bit means that the object is live. During the mark phase, this either means that the object is old and should be ignore, or it is already visited by the GC. (When we are using the new mark bit for marking, we may also refer to this bit as the original mark bit for clarity.)

  • Next mark bit:

    This is the new bit introduced in the scheme. When doing a full collection, we use this bit instead of the mark bit for marking so that we don't need to reset the mark bit before the full marking. The meaning of this (next mark) bit and the mark bit will change after each full collection. This bit should never be set on any valid memory region (i.e. any memory that is reachable during the mark phase or needs to be read during the sweep phase) outside (and when entering) the GC. This invariance is necessary so that we can use this bit as a clean mark bit during the full marking phase. We could add optimizations to ignore this bit in invalid memory area (e.g. non-allocated area at the end of a page) to avoid clearing memories unnecessarily.

One challenge for the GC bit swap scheme is to keep the invariance (that the next mark bit never escape the GC) mentioned above valid. This should be done without having to reset the bit for old live objects during the final sweep since that means we are back to sweeping the whole heap. The current scheme is based on another observation that we will do a full mark and full sweep after swapping the bit. Therefore, the live objects will be visited during the full mark phase (by definition) and the dead old object needs to be swept (i.e. freed) during the sweep phase (since this is the whole point of doing a full collection at all). Therefore, we can reset the original mark bit for live objects during the full marking and for dead objects during the sweeping.

GC bits manipulation during important GC procedures

This is a break down of what we need to do in different parts of the GC. The main interfaces of the GC to the rest of the runtime are allocation, write barrier and the collection. Newly allocated objects are always clean and has no GC bits set. The operations we need to do for the collection and the write barrier are listed below.


For the description below, mark1 is always the current mark bit when entering and leaving the GC and mark2 should never escape GC. The bit swap really happens step by step throughout the full mark and sweep phase but we keep the same notation of mark1 and mark2 until the very end of the GC for clarity.

  • Restore gc bit for remset1

    The old bit is cleared by the write barrier. (See also alternative approaches below.)

    This (and the last step about remset below) maintains another invariance that the GC bits are always accurate for old objects in the GC. (And are only set to a fake value to avoid triggering the same write barrier multiple times).

  • Mark1: mark global roots + remset1

    This can possibly be skipped if the user explicitly asked for a full collection. If we decide to skip this in such cases, the mark2 phase needs to keep the original old-marked counter valid when marking objects being promoted. See the sweep optimization section below about the old-marked counters.

    • age: ignore (mark never has anything to do with the age)

    • mark2: ignore (should always be cleared)

    • mark1: clean -> marked (mark reachable object)

    • old: preserve remset invariant

      Put the object in the remset2 if it is an old object refering young ones.

  • Check heuristic (or user input argument) to decide whether a full collection is needed

    • If doing full collection

      • Clear remset2

        We will repopulate it during the mark phase below.

      • Mark2: mark everything

        • age: ignore (mark never has anything to do with the age)

        • mark1: clear (reset original mark bit during marking)

        • mark2: clean -> marked

        • old: preserve remset invariant

          Put the object in the remset2 if it is an old object refering young ones.

      • Sweep2:

        • !mark2

          Free the object. This should also clear the mark1 bit so that it can be used as a clean start the next time as mentioned above. The clearing can either be done by actually overwriting it (e.g. when constructing the free list) or by ignoring it in a way that can be recognized during the next sweep (e.g. not reading the gc bit in part of the page that are not initialized / allocated during the sweep).

        • mark2 & old

          Do nothing (will become mark1 & old after swap the meaning). This is the main case we don't want to do work. See also optimizations below.

          (The mark1 bit should already be cleared during the marking above).

        • mark2 & young & !age

          Clean mark2, set age.

        • mark2 & young & age

          Clean mark2, set old. This set the object to be "promoted" during the next GC.

      • Swap mark 1, 2

    • If not doing full collection

      • Sweep1:

        • !mark1

          Free the object.

        • mark1 & old

          Do nothing.

        • mark1 & young & !age

          Clean mark1, set age

        • mark1 & young & age

          Clean mark1, set old

  • swap remset 1, 2

  • Clear old bit for objects in remset1. (See also alternative approaches below.)

Write barrier

For a generational GC, the write barrier is used to fix the invariance broken by young objects referenced by old objects. When a write barrier triggers, the parent is put in the remset (so that the parent will be scaned even though it is old) and some GC bits are cleared on the parent so that the write barrier won't trigger again.

A summary of the possible states in the mutator and whether we might want to trigger a write barrier on it if it appears as either parent or child is the following,

  • old, no write barrier triggered

    parent, !child

  • old, write barrier triggered

    !parent, !child

  • young, non-aged (not being promoted)

    !parent, child

  • young, aged (being promoted)

    !parent, child

Therefore, to avoid false positives, we need at least 2 bits to express the three states for the write barrier.

For bit pattern selection, the old gen needs to be old & marked and the young non-aged needs to be !old & !marked. For young and aged it should have !marked since we want to sweep it if it is dead during the next GC and to distinguish it from young non-aged (during the next GC) it needs to be old & !marked as mentioned above. This leave us with !old & marked for the state of old and write barrier triggered. Substitute the gc bits in the above summary,

  • old & marked -> parent, !child
  • !old & marked -> !parent, !child
  • !old & !marked -> !parent, child
  • old & !marked -> !parent, child

We can easily see that child == !marked and parent == old & marked, and when a wb triggers, we clear the old bit.

The only issue with this is that the parent.old && parent.mark may not be as cheap as simply comparing a masked value to 0. If we put the mark bits as the lowest two and the old bit as the third one, it could still be implemented as parent.gc_bits > 4 && !child.mark which shouldn't be too expensive.

See the alternative section below for other options that uses simpler write barrier check but might result in false positives.

Optimization for sweep

An important optimization that we want (which is also used currently) is to be able to skip sweeping a page completely if we don't need to write anything to the page (i.e. not reading from it either). Since we would like to figure these out without actually reading the page, it is necessary to keep some out-of-band information in the page metadata. These metadata are generally a summary of the gc bits in the page and therefore should be updated whenever the affected bits are updated. The only exceptions is the write barrier. Although the write barrier can modify the GC bits, it is always fixed up before entering the gc mark and sweep phase so it is not necessary to update the metadata when the write barrier triggers.

  • For a free page

    We can keep the page in a different structure to be allocated in new page mode and avoid free list so that we don't need to write to the page. As mentioned above, one thing to be careful for this case during the full sweep is that there might be left over orignal mark bit on the page that can confuse the next sweep (sweep1 or sweep2). Therefore, we need to make sure during the next sweep we only look for the part of the page that is allocated and therefore has the GC bits fixed.

    For detecting this case during the sweep, we need to know if there's any live cells in the page. This can be done by keeping a bit for whether any objects in the page are marked. This bit should be updated whenever the marked bit is changed. If a page has this bit set when entering the sweep phase, there's live objects in the page and the page is not a free page. Otherwise, the page is empty and can be freed directly.

    Since we have two mark bits that can swap meaning, we need to either also modifying this when we swap the meaning or just keep a page mark bit for each mark bit. The former means going through the page metadata before mark2 and we would like to avoid this. Therefore, we'd like to use a separate page mark bit for each gc mark bit and update them we we modify the gc bits of objects in the page.

    • The allocator always allocate clean objects so this is not affected.
    • The marking need to update the current page mark bit when marking a pool object whenever it changes the current mark bit from 0 to 1. The mark2 phase should also clear the original page mark bit since it (original mark) is known to not escape the current GC phase.
    • The sweep should clear this bit if there's no old object in the page. The sweep2 phase should also catch and fix the cases when the original mark bit is not cleared by the mark2 phase (i.e. the's no live object). This should be cheap since we are reading this bit to skip free page anyway.
  • For a page with live object inside

    We can skip this page only if all the free cells are already in the free list and all the live objects are old. (And we can just chain in the existing free list). In another word, we want to make sure that

    1. For dead/free cells,

      There's no newly dead (young or old) objects in the page and there was no allocation in the page since the last GC. Otherwise, we need to fix the freelist.

    2. For live cells,

      They are all old.

    One of the information we can keep track of is that if there were any young allocated cell when entering the GC (including young live ones from the last GC and newly allocated ones since the last GC). This bit should be set or cleared by the sweep (1 and 2) depending on if there's any young cells in the page and set by the allocator when it starts to allocate in a page.

    If the bit is set for the page, there's at least one of

    1. Dead young object (could be newly allocated since last GC)
    2. Live young object

    in the page so in this case we need to sweep the page (cannot skip it).

    If the bit is cleared for the page, the cells in the page could be

    1. (Dead) In free list
    2. Dead old object (only for sweep2)
    3. Live old object

    therefore we can skip the page during sweep1.

    This left us with detecting if there's dead old object in the page during sweep2. One way to do this is to keep two counters of old-marked object for each mark bit.

    • The allocator always allocate clean and young objects so this is not affected.

    • The marking need to update the counter for the current old-marked when marking a pool object whenever it creates a new old-marked object in the page (this happens during mark1 for marking young objects being promoted and during mark2 for all old objects).

      For the other mark bit,

      • Mark1 doesn't need to care since it's always 0.
      • Mark2 should in principle decrement the counter for the other mark bit. However, this can be done in sweep2 instead (by just zeroing it).
    • Sweep should never update the current counter since it never create new marked old object.

      Sweep1 doesn't need to read this counter for skipping page as mentioned above.

      Sweep2 should compare the value of the current counter (for the current mark bit, counter1) to the value of the other counter (for the old mark bit, counter2). Counter1 should not be larger than counter2 since counter1 starts at 0 before mark2 and the number in it should be the total live old object and the number in counter1 is the total old object (in another word, the final promotion to the old gen, i.e. turning it to old marked, only happend in mark1). Therefore, any difference between the two counter means the page has old dead object and needs to be swept. The sweep2 phase should skip the page accordingly and clear counter2 for use with the next full collection.

      One special case is if the user explicitly asked for a full collection. If we decide to skip mark1 in such case, the mark2 phase needs to take care of turning old & !marked (young, being promoted) object into old & marked. so it needs to check the original mark bit and increment the original old-marked counter if it marks an old object that doesn't have the orignal mark bit set.

Alternative write barrier implementations

Since the old gen has both the mark and old bit set and a normal young gen (i.e. not boing promoted) has both the mark and old bit cleared, we can do the write barrier check using only one of the bits. Here we list some alternative write barrier approaches that we've considered.

As discussed above, these will result in some false positives since it does not use enough bits or violates one of the constraints we have in the write barrier section above.

If we clear the old bit when the write barrier triggers, it may look like,

  • If parent.old && !child.old

    • clear parent.old
    • put parent in remset

Note that this will trigger the wb if the parent is a young gen being promoted. Since there may be references from old gen to this young gen that didn't trigger the wb before, we need to always promote this kind of object to (live) old gen.

A variance of the above one is

  • If parent.old && !child.old && !child.mark

    • clear parent.old
    • put parent in remset

This has the same issue with early promotion of aged young object while avoiding triggering write barrier on old objects with write barrier triggered. Note that the !child.old && !child.mark can still be checked with a single mask comparing to 0.

If we clear the mark bit when the write barrier triggers, it may look like,

  • If parent.mark && !child.mark

    • clear parent.mark
    • put parent in remset

This is essentially the same as the current write barrier implementation. The disadvantage is that it can put objects that are only refering old object in the remset because the object they refer to are in the remset. (i.e. this apprach collapse old wb-triggered with young promoting).

Summary for actually implementing this

  • Allocation

    pg->young_allocated = 1

  • Write barrier

    If parent == old & marked && child == !marked

    • clear parent.old
    • put parent in remset
  • Collection

    1. Restore old bit for remset1

    2. Mark1 (Skip if a full collection is asked explicitly)

      Start from global roots and remset1

      • mark1: clean -> marked

        • pg->marked1 |= 1
        • If old, pg->old_marked1 += 1
      • mark2: clear (no-op, to be consistent with mark2)

        • pg->marked2 = 0
      • preserve remset invariant

        Put the object in the remset2 if it is an old object refering young ones.

    3. Clear remset1

    4. Check heuristic (or user input argument) to decide whether a full collection is needed

      • If doing full collection

        1. Clear remset2

        2. Mark2

          Start from global roots (and empty remset1)

          • mark2: clean -> marked

            • pg->marked2 |= 1

            • If old, pg->old_marked2 += 1

            • Difference from mark1:

              If !mark1 && old, pg->old_marked1 += 1

          • mark1: clear

            • pg->marked1 = 0
          • old: preserve remset invariant

            Put the object in the remset2 if it is an old object refering young ones.

        3. Sweep2

          • !pg->marked2 -> free page

            • pg->marked1 = 0
          • pg->old_marked1 == pg->old_marked2 && !pg->young_allocated -> use the free list

            • pg->old_marked1 = 0
            • pg->marked1 = 0
          • slow path (actually sweep the page)

            For objects,

            • !mark2 -> free cell (clear mark1)
            • mark2 & old -> do nothing
            • mark2 & young & !age -> clear mark2, set age
            • mark2 & young & age -> clear mark2, set old

            For page metadata,

            • pg->marked2 = pg->old_marked2 != 0
            • pg->marked1 = 0
            • pg->young_allocated = <if there's young obj live>
            • pg->old_marked1 = 0
        4. Swap mark 1, 2

      • If not doing full collection

        1. Sweep1

          • !pg->marked1 -> free page

            • pg->marked2 = 0 (no-op)
          • !pg->young_allocated -> use the free list

            Different with sweep2: do not check old_marked counters

            • pg->old_marked2 = 0 (no-op)
            • pg->marked2 = 0 (no-op)
          • slow path (actually sweep the page)

            For objects,

            • !mark1 -> free cell (clear mark2, no-op)
            • mark1 & old -> do nothing
            • mark1 & young & !age -> clear mark1, set age
            • mark1 & young & age -> clear mark1, set old

            For page metadata,

            • pg->marked1 = pg->old_marked1 != 0
            • pg->marked2 = 0 (no-op)
            • pg->young_allocated = <if there's young obj live>
            • pg->old_marked2 = 0 (no-op)
    5. Swap remset 1, 2 (remset 2 should be empty after this)

    6. Clear old bit for objects in remset1.