Track your calories right now!
- A cross-platform mobile app to track users' daily calorie and deployed with Expo
- Set up the smooth and responsive user interface using React Native and React Hooks
- Utilized Firebase to implement real-time meal entry lists based on user actions
- Implemented environment variables to ensure the security of the app
- Emails and passwords are used fro user authenauthentication and users will only see their own records
- Two screens are shown in a bottom tab navigator and both show a list of meal entries. An entry will be automatically marked as over-limit if the consumed calories for an entry is more than 500
- Tapping each entry item in the list (on both all and over-limit entries screens) navigate to Edit Entry screen and marking an entry as reviewed will remove it from over-limit entries screen. There is also a button to delete one entry.
- From both All Entries and over-limit Entries screens, users can navigate to Add An Entry screen by pressing on a header button. Add An Entry screen shows a form to the user to add an entry item with calories and description values.
- It will validate user's entry (e.g. no negative number, or letters for amount, no empty submission,...) and show an alert to the user in case of invalid data.
- Users can sign out by pressing the exit button
- Install Node.js
- Install Expo Go on your personal phone
- Create your own cloud database on Firebase website
- Use VSCode to open the project and enter command line
npx expo start --tunnel
- Scan the barcode using the camera of your phone
- Login In and Sign Up
- All Meal Entries List and Over-limit Entries List, when click different tabs of the bottom navigator
- Add a new entry, when click the "+" button
- Edit one entry, when tapping each entry on both all and over-limit screens
For each non-over-limit entry, users can delete it
For each new over-limit entry, users can review it or delete it
when press the "✔️" button, a message will be shown
when press "yes", it will be marked as reviewed and then be removed from over-limit entries screen
when press the delete button, a message will be shown
- Sign out, when click the "exit" button on the header
- Notice that users will only access to their own records