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Quick Start

  1. Start services: docker-compose up -d
  2. Explore Web app at http://localhost and click user icon.
  3. Explore API details on Swagger UI at http://localhost/doc.
  4. Inspect MongoDB at http://localhost/mongoadmin. (Password is in the docker-compose.yml file.)

Useful Commands:

  • Shutdown services: docker-compose down
  • Check service status: docker ps
  • Build Dockerfile if changed: docker-compose build
  • View logs: docker-compose logs -f ${server, worker}
  • Restart services: docker-compose restart

Docker Volumes

  • Find result data in the storage/${id} directory.
  • Database data is stored in the db directory.

API Endpoints

  • POST /api/admin/task: Callback for dula-net worker.
  • GET /api/admin/tasks: Retrieve all tasks.
  • GET /api/task: Retrieve a specific task.
  • DELETE /api/task: Mark a task as deleted.
  • POST /api/task: Execute a task.
  • PUT /api/task: Update a task result with a new image.



    participant Client
    box DuLaNet-Service
    participant Server
    participant DB
    participant Worker
    participant Storage

    Client->>+Server: POST/PUT Task: { id, image, callback }

    opt New Task (param wo/ id)
    Server ->>+ DB: Create Document: { status:"PROCESSING"}
    DB ->>- Server: Success { id }

    Server->>+Worker: Schedule Task: { id, image, callback }
    Server->>- Client: Success: { id }
    Worker->>- Server: PUT callback : { id, base64_images, layout }
    Server->>+ DB: { id, status:"DONE", layout, image_path }
    DB ->>- Server: Success
    Server->>+ Storage: Save images { base64_images }
    Storage->>- Server: Success

    Client->>+Server: Get Task: { id }
    Server->>+DB: Query DB: { id }
    DB->>-Server: Success: { id, data }
    Server->>-Client: Success: { id, data }

    Client->>+Storage: Get Image { link }
    Storage->>-Client: Success