A django-getpaid payment backend for Kazkommertsbank Epay

The full documentation is at https://django-getpaid-epay.readthedocs.org.
- Authenticate payment
- Capture blocked money from admin
- Reverse payment from admin
- Refund payment from admin
- Check status from admin
Here is a list of dependecies:
# obvious django django-getpaid M2Crypto django-model-utils xmltodict requests
You might need to install some system packages to compile M2Crypto. What to install?
Install django-getpaid and then install django-getpaid-epay:
pip install django-getpaid-epay
Add epay
in your django project. Do not forget to configure the GETPAID_ORDER_MODEL
Run migration:
./manage.py migrate
Here is minimal configuration:
GETPAID_BACKENDS_SETTINGS = { 'epay' : { "key_passphrase" : 'your private key passphrase', # can be omitted if you have removed passphrase "merchant_private_key" : 'path to your private key', "merchant_id" : "92061101", "merchant_name" : "Test Shop", "merchant_cert_id" : "00c182b189" # "kkb_pub_key": 'path to Kazkom Public Key (kkbca.pem)', # optional # "modify_order_id": lambda id: id + 100000, # "unmodify_order_id": lambda id: id - 100000, # 'scheme': 'http', # 'testing' : True, # optional }, }
Tools used in rendering this package: