Yume auth is the micro-service that handles the authorization, authentication and security-based requests of Yume.
This is a micro-service to serve as an example of how to develop an scalable (architecture & tech) micro-service using python, flask and a combination oh HTTP & Event-based requets
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
Before getting started you need poetry as package manager.
Clone the repository
git clone https://gagocarrilloedgar/yume-auth
Install the dependencies, take a look at Python with pipenv for more info.
poetry init
Run the migrations
poetry run migrate
poetry run upgrade
And start the server:
# Copy the env.example file
cp .env.example .env
#Start it
poetry run start
Formating and linting
- https://www.jumpingrivers.com/blog/python-linting-guide/
- pylint
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/auto-format-your-python-code-with-black/
This section provide the branc, commit adn test convection for working with the project while following best practices
A git branch should start with a category. Pick one of these: feature, bugfix, hotfix, or test:
- feature is for adding, refactoring or removing a feature.
- bugfix is for fixing a bug.
- hotfix is for changing code with a temporary solution and/or without following the usual process (usually because of an emergency).
- test is for experimenting outside of an issue/ticket.
After the category, there should be a /
followed by the reference of the issue/ticket you are working on. If there's no reference, just add no-ref
After the reference, there should be another /
followed by a description which sums up the purpose of this specific branch. This description should be short and "kebab-cased"
By default, you can use the title of the issue/ticket you are working on. Just replace any special character by "-".
git branch <category/reference/description-in-kebab-case>
- You need to add, refactor or remove a feature:
git branch feature/<notion-story-id>/create-new-button-component
- You need to fix a bug: git branch
- You need to fix a bug really fast (possibly with a temporary solution):
git branch hotfix/no-ref/registration-form-not-working
- You need to experiment outside of an issue/ticket:
git branch test/no-ref/refactor-components-with-atomic-design
The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. If you want to read more about it: Conventional commits
[TBD]-> Look for husky and lint-staged alternatives in Python:
The tipical categories are:
- feat is for adding a new feature
- fix is for fixing a bug
- refactor is for changing code for peformance or convenience purpose (e.g. readibility)
- chore is for everything else (writing documentation, formatting, adding tests, cleaning useless code etc.)
- docs is to add documentation (readme, swagger, storybook, etc).
If you event wan to add more semantic to the commit you add a scope:
git commit <category(scope): description>
One example could be (taking into account you are developing something related to the layout and its a new feature).
git commit <feat(layout): sidenav redirection added>
For more info regarding all the repositories that include Yume take a look at: Yume's github
If you are having environment error in VSCode make sure you have selected the correct python interpreter:
Inside vscode run:
cmd + p
Search for:
> Python: select interpreter
Then select the one with poetry if tou are using that.
- https://github.com/serfer2/flask-hexagonal-architecture-api
- https://github.com/Shihara-Dilshan/John-Keells-App-Revamp
- https://auth0.com/blog/best-practices-for-flask-api-development/
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/structuring-a-flask-restplus-web-service-for-production-builds-c2ec676de563/
- https://github.com/bajcmartinez/flask-api-starter-kit