Explore OpenReview for all the venues hosted on the site.
Run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install openreview api for python
Some functinalities in util:
Function | Description |
getAllVenues | Get all the venue names from the OpenReview API |
mostHostedVenue | Get top 20 most hosted venue domain such as NeurIPS.cc |
getAbstractWithRating | Get the venue's submission and pair each abstract with the mean rating from every reviewer |
topSubmission | Get the top 20 submissions from that certain conference |
toLLMTrainingData | Convert the venue data to a JSON file with following format: {'text': "### Human: Rate this abstract ...}### Assistant: I would rate this (mean_dating)!"} |
getPaperWithCitation | Using scholarly to get the citation of papers from a venue (Not working) |
plotDecision | Get the decision and rating plot |
- Fix getPaperWithCitation to not get blocked and extract all paper from the venue
- Use the toLLMTrainingData and train a custom Llama to rate an abstract
Example most hosted venue plot: