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Astro Theme: Charm

English | 日本語 | 中文

Beautiful, simple and easy-to-use blog theme

Preview of Live Demo

Github | Live Demo | PageSpeed

Note: The image on the right in the Live Demo is not part of the Charm theme


How to use

  1. Run the following command to create a new project with astro-charm theme.
pnpm create astro-theme@latest with-theme astro-charm
  1. Into your project and Install @iconify-json/simple-icons and @iconify-json/solar.
pnpm add @iconify-json/simple-icons
pnpm add @iconify-json/solar
  1. Add src/content.config.ts to your project.
import { collections as charmCollections } from "astro-charm/content";
export const collections = {
  // your other collections
  1. Modify config and enjoy it!

Note: you need to add site to astro.config.ts file, because charm use it for sitemap and rss.

To learn more, see: Config

Install to existing project
  1. Install astro-charm, @iconify-json/simple-icons and @iconify-json/solar to your project.
pnpm astro add astro-charm
pnpm add @iconify-json/simple-icons
pnpm add @iconify-json/solar
  1. Modify src/content.config.ts file.
import { collections as charmCollections } from "astro-charm/content";
export const collections = {
  // your other collections
  1. Modify astro.config.ts file, you can use following command to modify it.
pnpm create astro-theme@latest init astro-charm

Or you can modify it manually.

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import charm from "astro-charm";

export default defineConfig({
  prefetch: true,
  site: "<your-site-url>",

  integrations: [
      config: {
        lang: "en", // for HTML's lang attribute and RSS
        title: "Title on home page", // for seo on home page
        description: "Description on home page", // for seo on home page
        side: {
          title: "Title",
          sub: "Sub title",
          bio: "Your bio, about 50~90 characters, automatic line wrap",
        // more config


You need to add site to astro.config.ts file, because charm use it for sitemap and rss.

Minimal config

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import charm from "astro-charm";

export default defineConfig({
  prefetch: true,
  site: "<your-site-url>",

  integrations: [
      config: {
        lang: "en", // for HTML's lang attribute and RSS
        title: "Title on home page", // for seo on home page
        description: "Description on home page", // for seo on home page
        side: {
          title: "Title",
          sub: "Sub title",
          bio: "Your bio, about 50~90 characters, automatic line wrap",
const configSchema = z.object({
  lang: z.string(),
  title: z.string(),
  titleSuffix: z.string().or(z.boolean()).default(true),
  description: z.string().optional(),
  author: z.string().optional(),
  placeholderImage: z.string().min(1).optional(),
  licenseId: z.enum([...licenses] as [string, ...string[]]).optional(),
  rss: z.boolean().default(true),
  googleAnalyticsId: z.string().optional(),
  font: z
    .enum(["auto", "full", "only-en", "disabled", "dynamic"])
  shootingStar: z.boolean().default(true),
  side: z.object({
    title: z.string(),
    sub: z.string(),
    bio: z.string(),
    navHome: z
        title: z.string().default("Home"),
        link: z.string().default("/"),
        icon: iconStringOrLightDarkOrWithStates.default({
          default: "solar:file-text-broken",
          hover: "solar:file-smile-outline",
          active: "solar:file-smile-bold-duotone",
    footer: z
          title: z.string(),
          link: z.string(),
          icon: iconStringOrLightDarkOrWithStates,
          title: "Twitter",
          link: "",
          icon: "simple-icons:twitter",
          title: "GitHub",
          link: "",
          icon: "simple-icons:github",
    navStyle: z.enum(["default", "only-icon", "only-title"]).default("default"),
    footerStyle: z
      .enum(["default", "only-icon", "only-title"])
  markdown: z
      colorizedBrackets: z
          explicitTrigger: z.boolean().default(false), // if true, ```ts colorize-brackets
      twoslash: z
          explicitTrigger: z.boolean().default(true), // if true, ```ts twoslash
  giscus: z
      repo: z.string(),
      repoId: z.string(),
      category: z.string(),
      categoryId: z.string(),
      mapping: z
        .enum(["pathname", "url", "title", "og:title"])
      strict: z.boolean().default(false),
      reactions: z.boolean().default(true),
      emitMetadata: z.boolean().default(false),
      inputPosition: z.enum(["top", "bottom"]).default("top"),
      theme: z
          light: z.string(),
          dark: z.string(),
          light: "light",
          dark: "dark",


[CouldNotTransformImage] Could not transform image

Please install Sharp (sharp) manually into your project

pnpm add sharp

Questions & Suggestions

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue. All PRs are welcome!