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Can't download ITV hub show #30265

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seanadl opened this issue Nov 24, 2021 · 25 comments · Fixed by #30266
3 tasks done

Can't download ITV hub show #30265

seanadl opened this issue Nov 24, 2021 · 25 comments · Fixed by #30266


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seanadl commented Nov 24, 2021


  • I'm asking a question
  • I've looked through the README and FAQ for similar questions
  • I've searched the bugtracker for similar questions including closed ones


I am trying to download a show from the ITV hub (here: Using Stream Detector on Firefox, I get the following code to paste into Youtube-dl:

youtube-dl --no-part --restrict-filenames --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/94.0" --add-header "Cookie:Itv.Session={%22tokens%22:{%22content%22:{%22entitlement%22:{%22purchased%22:[]%2C%22failed_availability_checks%22:[]%2C%22source%22:%22%22}%2C%22email_verified%22:true%2C%22access_token%22:%22eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGguaXR2LmNvbSIsInN1YiI6IjZkYmFmYWU3LTU0NzYtNDNmYS1hYWEwLTAwODQxYmY2OTFkMSIsImV4cCI6MTYzNzg0MjMwMiwiaWF0IjoxNjM3NzUyMzAyLCJicm9hZGNhc3RFcnJvck1zZyI6IiIsImJyb2FkY2FzdFJlc3BvbnNlQ29kZSI6IjIwMCIsImJyb2FkY2FzdGVyIjoiSVRWIiwiaXNBY3RpdmUiOnRydWUsIm5vbmNlIjoiZGdSQ1gzWWVkNURvWWl6VjhQN20iLCJuYW1lIjoiU2VhbiIsInNjb3BlIjoiY29udGVudCIsImVudGl0bGVtZW50cyI6W10sInBheW1lbnRTb3VyY2UiOiIiLCJzaG93UHJpdmFjeU5vdGljZSI6ZmFsc2UsInVuZGVyMTgiOmZhbHNlfQ.Da_C_X8gHGWh6QBo1Im_hqspwvo9z8XVKkItpCqKW9BYtJVivSSB5eqO-b1Q9U8fk9QN5IqXTM2nOHe22BUTm02rcKUXgsTJ41pRqaAuAquuSXkPpZSnOgbiE0flsEnQN78mfTzs0k9jvLO-A0QT939NowHCcd8_BfbdFCrE11FI0zCFyTHKatVuS9j1bDK98Nd2O61iphtBcmNBwaql1p94okb6QWYSI3kqFyNBICgziTwi-6t-kCZ76_wSopIPUuQ21oRz4911esS3kBId4SdrUcSpezAgUS-_GS3XpCMiOLWGJ69fXU3qzkXP8NRLYSxcf_RTU4QkmWs6kjvaXg%22%2C%22token_type%22:%22bearer%22%2C%22refresh_token%22:%22eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGguaXR2LmNvbSIsInN1YiI6IjZkYmFmYWU3LTU0NzYtNDNmYS1hYWEwLTAwODQxYmY2OTFkMSIsImV4cCI6NDc5MzQyNTkwMiwiaWF0IjoxNjM3NzUyMzAyLCJub25jZSI6ImRnUkNYM1llZDVEb1lpelY4UDdtIiwic2NvcGUiOiJjb250ZW50IiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNjM3NzUyMzAyfQ.GV1cqako7yaGvA393O9oa9cVhX0I-Sw5M2wSR1gg5RAYt1lzYIY0T2nLUu3xLte8p1JqlAVb_1IEV_Yts12dxQTHVmDupqA33dKIlA0Pxxkq1Mv8x5WjjOuVgnmjf1lmm7Ygt8560V9olis5fKlONa4QNrsX1c4O0RNr630WzPBbFk6e1PsGJ2bVOBxp5ja8kzun-_oOCjonrQOxTHj3-e9RmyCVJdbRLzpFkfJf_n03zNXly_d-uBad3vodfHemv8dQJeXXKSDQGVAq3idlPj77bEHfRkfmE6yUMBjMlZSF_C3HfqomFyN84wNw9JiQLMumwP2tHNpfnYVvqBWy4Q%22}}%2C%22sticky%22:true}; mid=1709081696670734686; _cs_c=1; _cs_id=8fcd982a-e516-ad59-e9f0-5ec3cfcfacdc.1637751312.1.1637752301.1637751312.1.1671915312583; _cs_s=; __utma=187186800.658762206.1637751313.1637751313.1637751313.1; __utmb=187186800.13.9.1637752166735; __utmc=187186800; __utmz=187186800.1637751313.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); _hjSessionUser_1586194=eyJpZCI6IjcyMmJhMjBmLWU5MzEtNTA1YS1iYjYyLWFhMTI3NTBkMTViOSIsImNyZWF0ZWQiOjE2Mzc3NTEzMTMwODcsImV4aXN0aW5nIjp0cnVlfQ==; _hjFirstSeen=1; _hjSession_1586194=eyJpZCI6IjQ2MTY2NDM1LThhZTQtNGJhOC05NjAzLTM4ZTBjOGVjMjY1MiIsImNyZWF0ZWQiOjE2Mzc3NTEzMTMwOTN9; _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress=0; Itv.CookiePolicy.v2=accepted; Itv.Region=ITV|null; __utmt_UA-17825253-53=1" --referer "" ""

However, this produces the following error:

ERROR: No video formats found; please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; type youtube-dl -U to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.

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dirkf commented Nov 24, 2021

Patch your yt-dl from PR #28955 and use it directly. Or use some other tool designed to download the media URL, maybe ffmpeg.

However IIRC some bought-in ITV shows, possibly including Ellen, are DRM-protected and so the show may not be accessible even if you can download the linked media.

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seanadl commented Nov 24, 2021

Ah thanks. I'll at least try to download it and see if it's DRM-protected.

How do I patch yt-dl on a mac?

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dirkf commented Nov 24, 2021

Depending on how you installed it, find the youtube_dl/extractor/ file and replace it with the version from the PR. If the directory is not directly writable by your user account, also run youtube-dl --version with admin/su permissions to overwrite any previous byte-code compiled version.

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seanadl commented Nov 24, 2021

Thanks. I hate to keep asking, but not sure how to do the above. I've searched through my system files for that file, but can't find anything. I suspect I need to be doing something entirely different in order to find and replace that file.

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dirkf commented Nov 24, 2021

Thanks. I hate to keep asking, but not sure how to do the above.

How did you install yt-dl?

youtube-dl -v -F ''

ls -al `which youtube-dl`


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@dirkf wrote:

Patch your yt-dl from PR #28955 and use it directly.

... Am afraid that PR has been invalidated since yesterday, Nov 23rd 2021, because the ITVHub "people" started talking a la "master Yoda" (from Star Wars) 😄 ...

See issue yt-dlp/yt-dlp#1775 and today's fix, yt-dlp/yt-dlp#1776, implemented in


I, as much as others I suppose 😉 , would greatly value a similar fix on top of PR #28955... @sleaux-meaux (original author of that PR) or, perhaps, @dirkf (also UK-based, with a good - and highly appreciated 👍 - record of providing patches to many yt-dl breakages 😉 ) ?

However IIRC some bought-in ITV shows, possibly including Ellen, are DRM-protected

This is my recollection, too; "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" on ITV's VOD service has always been DRM-only 😞 ...
In the first post, @seanadl is trying to download (via yt-dl) an MPEG-DASH manifest (.mpd) :

(token has expired by now), which, in all probability, is DRM protected (cenc) ...
All familiar with itvIE already know that if no HLSe streams (targeting older mobile devices) are available for a certain show, then, sadly, it's a no go for downloading apps (breaking DRM won't be discussed here...).

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seanadl commented Nov 24, 2021

Thanks. I hate to keep asking, but not sure how to do the above.

How did you install yt-dl?

youtube-dl -v -F ''

ls -al `which youtube-dl`


When I put the above in, i get this: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 1840311 24 Nov 11:02 /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

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dirkf commented Nov 24, 2021

You have a Python script archive version, a !# line followed by a zip archive.

 tail -n +2 < /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl >

Replace the file (once we've fixed it!) in; then

 { head -n 1 < /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl; cat; }>

Finally install as /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (with execute permission).

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seanadl commented Nov 24, 2021

I'm getting this error when running the above command:

sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence

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dirkf commented Nov 24, 2021

Try the updated version.

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seanadl commented Nov 24, 2021

Try the updated version.

That worked. Just waiting for the updated file and then i can test it out

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dirkf commented Nov 24, 2021

Here is PR #30266 which basically back-ports the yt-dlp extractor for ITV.

As far as I can see, the API request for test #1 (Plebs S1E1) gives 404 unless you're logged in, but I'd be happy to add a different test or fix the extractor to make the test work.

However, test #2 (J Ross S17E08) runs, except that the test skips the download (M3U8, expected).

Bad news for OP. As suggested, the extractor identifies the Ellen episode as 'No downloads available', because the available media types are:

  'mobile': [
  'dotcom': [

So no non-DRM formats.

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Here is PR #30266, which basically back-ports the yt-dlp extractor for ITV.

Congrats; works as expected! 👍

youtube-dl --no-geo-bypass -F "" -v => 

[debug] System config: []
[debug] User config: []
[debug] Custom config: []
[debug] Command-line args: ['--no-geo-bypass', '-F', '', '-v']
[debug] Encodings: locale cp1253, fs utf-8, out utf-8, pref cp1253
[debug] youtube-dl version 2021.06.06+18-git-20210701-ga803582+PRs#30184,#30266
[debug] Lazy loading extractors enabled
[debug] Python version 3.7.12 (CPython) - Windows-Vista-6.0.6003-SP2
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 4.4.1, ffprobe 4.4.1, phantomjs 2.1.1, rtmpdump 2.4

[debug] Proxy map: {}
[ITV] L0055a0007: Downloading webpage
[ITV] L0055a0007: Downloading JSON metadata
[ITV] L0055a0007: Downloading m3u8 information
[info] Available formats for L0055a0007:
format code  extension  resolution note
hls-68       mp4        audio only   68k , mp4a.40.2@ 64k
hls-102      mp4        audio only  102k , mp4a.40.2@ 96k
hls-285      mp4        512x288     285k , avc1.4D401F@ 203k, 25.0fps, mp4a.40.2@ 64k
hls-636      mp4        512x288     636k , avc1.4D401F@ 503k, 25.0fps, mp4a.40.2@ 96k
hls-848      mp4        512x288     848k , avc1.4D401F@ 703k, 25.0fps, mp4a.40.2@ 96k
hls-1272     mp4        896x504    1272k , avc1.4D401F@1103k, 25.0fps, mp4a.40.2@ 96k
hls-1908     mp4        896x504    1908k , avc1.4D401F@1703k, 25.0fps, mp4a.40.2@ 96k (best)

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seanadl commented Nov 25, 2021

Finally install as /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (with execute permission).

How do I do that part of the install? Done everything else so far!

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dirkf commented Nov 25, 2021

Probably s/t like:

sudo install -p -o root /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

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dirkf commented Nov 25, 2021

As far as I can see, the API request for test #1 (Plebs S1E1) gives 404 unless you're logged in, but I'd be happy to add a different test or fix the extractor to make the test work.

This is weird; logged-in status doesn't seem to be relevant:

  • youtube-dl -v -F '' (Python 3.5) generally works;
  • python3.5 -m youtube_dl -v -F '' (in the dev directory) sometimes works;
  • python3.5 test/ TestDownload.test_ITV (same URL, in the dev directory) sometimes works
  • python2.7 -m youtube_dl -v -F '' (in the dev directory) never works
  • python2.7 test/ TestDownload.test_ITV (same URL, in the dev directory) never works.

I suspect Cloudflare or similar nonsense, though maybe ITV can do that by itself.

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seanadl commented Nov 26, 2021

Hmm. Since updating, I now get this error when trying to use youtube-dl:

/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ can't find '__main__' module in '/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl'

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dirkf commented Nov 26, 2021

The self-extracting archive has gone awry. Try the process again.

Also check this output for /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl:

$ dd count=1 bs=64 status=none | od -a 
0000000   #   !   /   u   s   r   /   b   i   n   /   e   n   v  sp   p
0000020   y   t   h   o   n  nl   P   K etx eot dc4 nul nul nul  bs nul
0000040  sp  bs   !   (   p   }   h   }   3 dc1 nul nul stx   ? nul nul
0000060 dc1 nul  fs nul   y   o   u   t   u   b   e   _   d   l   /   a

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seanadl commented Nov 26, 2021

Maybe I did something wrong when trying to update the file. I unzipped, opened the file and pasted in the contents of the updated file, re-zipped it back up. Then ran:
{ head -n 1 < /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl; cat; }>
Then after that I ran:

sudo install -p -o root /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

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seanadl commented Nov 26, 2021

| age -a -r age1zkz9g0kld97vs826j0r7p3ghvz3zcyd4tcqr2vrxpt0uux7mkycsl77hy6

Here is what I get:
YWdlLWVuY3J5cHRpb24ub3JnL3YxCi0+IFgyNTUxOSBBcEJVTDNoWS9JbnhWa0t5 MnA4YWFNL3FrZkhpL2FyaDZSaHROaFBvSW5FCmxZeDlJUXgwbGtvNHZOdHFTU3Va VWMyZjF4K2JPbllCbHVqTnJiZ3B3RlUKLS0tIEQyWi9nWm4vdExnakJ6ZGloZXgy MHpRa0h0Z2UxdXQwaS9CVmpYRnZmSEEKGsbNOd51mCWzJbUcbMTLeEo7UaljKt84 29QazEQhUU6RE3+r/jgSa4gr4cbGWtqL4aNrjTGD37DpBz9MfJOgEPs=

This is the actual video I'm trying to download:

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dirkf commented Nov 26, 2021

We've already established that you won't be able to download a playable version of this show using yt-dl.

For patching the installation, it looks like the re-compression didn't work properly. IIRC Finder's Compress doesn't have an update-in-place function, unlike perhaps something like iZip. The actual script used to create the Unix self-extracting version of yt-dl is in the Makefile; it's meant to be run in the youtube-dl folder of a checked out version of the repository:

youtube-dl: youtube_dl/*.py youtube_dl/*/*.py
	mkdir -p zip
	for d in youtube_dl youtube_dl/downloader youtube_dl/extractor youtube_dl/postprocessor ; do \
	  mkdir -p zip/$$d ;\
	  cp -pPR $$d/*.py zip/$$d/ ;\
	touch -t 200001010101 zip/youtube_dl/*.py zip/youtube_dl/*/*.py
	mv zip/youtube_dl/ zip/
	cd zip ; zip -q ../youtube-dl youtube_dl/*.py youtube_dl/*/*.py
	rm -rf zip
	echo '#!$(PYTHON)' > youtube-dl
	cat >> youtube-dl
	chmod a+x youtube-dl
where `PYTHON=/usr/bin/env python` by default.

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seanadl commented Nov 26, 2021

@seanadl please paste the output directly as is, do not try to be clever and modify the output.

Hmm. I might not have completely understood the instruction. I just tried doing exactly what you said. I replaced USER: PASS with the ITV player user/pass (as I assume that's what i needed to do) using the following command:

echo USER:PASS | age -a -r age1zkz9g0kld97vs826j0r7p3ghvz3zcyd4tcqr2vrxpt0uux7mkycsl77hy6

And the output is this:


I'm sorry im not tech savvy. Was replacing USER:PASS with my actual ITV player user/pass the right or wrong thing to do?

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Ulrar commented Jan 5, 2022

Here is PR #30266, which basically back-ports the yt-dlp extractor for ITV.

Congrats; works as expected! 👍

Same here, that PR works perfectly.
Unfortunate that the ITV Hub seems to only have very low resolution videos, but at least it works. Thanks !

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Vangelis66 commented Jan 22, 2022

@89z :

IINM, you're located in the US, but ITVHub is a service limited to UK IPs only 😞 (actually, to a fraction of the whole UK, e.g. Scottish IPs may be blacklisted; in Scotland, STV has the rights of most ITV content...).

For many years it was still possible to easily circumvent this (soft) geo-blocking by an X-Forwarded-For request header "hack" (which is still there inside current itvIE), so that their playlist API could spit out streams even from overseas IPs; additionally, back then, the stream CDN(s) would not geo-block... Those were the happy times, so to speak 😜 ...

Most sadly, ITV have strengthened their geo-fencing schemes considerably, first by imposing geo-restriction (ACLs, Access-Control-Lists) on the actual stream CDN(s) (so that an overseas user isn't able to download the stream even when the API was "fooled" to generate a master HLS playlist) and secondly, more recently, they even fully geo-restricted access to the playlist API itself (i.e. the X-F-F trick doesn't work anymore), which is what you are getting requesting JSON metadata from the US:

ERROR: [ITV] 2a1873a0002: Unable to download JSON metadata: HTTP Error 403: 
Forbidden (caused by <HTTPError 403: 'Forbidden'>);

However, if inside England or via using a whitelisted UK VPN 😉 , the "story" is different:

yt-dlp -F "" => 

[ITV] 2a1873a0002: Downloading webpage
[ITV] 2a1873a0002: Downloading JSON metadata
[ITV] 2a1873a0002: Downloading m3u8 information
[info] Available formats for 2a1873a0002:
hls-136  mp4 audio only     | ~ 22.48MiB  136k m3u8_n | audio only        mp4a.40.2 128k
hls-326  mp4 512x288     50 | ~ 53.89MiB  326k m3u8_n | avc1.4D401E  179k mp4a.40.2 128k
hls-613  mp4 512x288     50 | ~101.32MiB  613k m3u8_n | avc1.4D401F  449k mp4a.40.2 128k
hls-813  mp4 512x288     50 | ~134.38MiB  813k m3u8_n | avc1.4D401F  638k mp4a.40.2 128k
hls-1105 mp4 896x504     50 | ~182.65MiB 1105k m3u8_n | avc1.4D401F  914k mp4a.40.2 128k
hls-1694 mp4 896x504     50 | ~280.01MiB 1694k m3u8_n | avc1.4D401F 1469k mp4a.40.2 128k

So please, don't jump to conclusions ("as it doesnt work") simply based on your own findings...

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dirkf commented Jun 7, 2022

Today's PR #30266 seems to be reliable for me.

Any additional testing is very welcome.

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