Project created to study drop and drag events in JS.
Here are the technologies used in this project.
under development
- NodeJs v12.22.9
- npm v8.5.1
- GIMP v2.0
- Inskscape v1.2
- Figma v0.10.0
- Github page
- To run the project:
Create a drop zone in the menu at the top of the chevron on the right. After creating it, you will notice that the dropzone and a side tag will be generated, with the title defined at creation, as well as a counter to count the amount of cards dropped in the dropezone.
Drag the card to the desired drop zone and release it. if you want to discard the card, drag it to the discard zone, located below the card.
Print Screen
Description of each part
- Card discard zone
- Creating dropzones
- Customize dropzone background
- Tags with count of cards dropped inside the drop zone
- Favicon and logo
- Responsive:
- Mobile ✔️
- Desktop ✔️
- supports touch events
- Commented code
- Link of deployed application:
- Repository:
- Yshrael Pimentel: @Ysh-rael
Please follow github and join us! Thanks to visiting me and good coding!