IPAccess is a plugin that lets you control access to your WordPress site via IP address. It's perfect for setting up digital subscriptions, allowing access only to your friends or company, or setting up "paywalls" for your content.
IPAccess was developed on, and only tested against, WordPress 3.5.1. All other versions may or may not work - use at your own risk.
A site I was working on wanted to sell digital subscriptions to various libraries, universities, and other organizations. This plugin handled that - it can manage the various organizations that required access, as well as the IP addresses (or IP ranges) for each organization.
The version I wrote for the site has a lot more features (expiration dates, redis backend, better security, and a lot more) but I re-wrote this for simplicity and to ensure maximum support with various webhosts.
This plugin is distributed under the MIT license. Please see http://yrosen.mit-license.org/ or the included LICENSE file for the full text of the license.
Very easy. In your template cod:e
if(IPAccess::isAllowed()) {
// This is one of your members, so locked content here
else {
// Public content/sign up box/whatever goes here
Another possible way of using it is to write your own Shortcode (http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API).
This could be something like:
function($atts) {
if(IPAccess:isAllowed()) {
// Allowed, show content or whatever
else {
// Not allowed...perhaps cut content here and show sign-up box
And in your post you'd simply put [ipaccess]
to signify locked content.
The administrative panels should be rather easy to understand.
Simply upload the 'ipaccess' directory to your WordPress plugins folder ('wp-content/plugins/'), and click "Activate" under "IPAccess" in your WordPress admin panel Plugins page.
This plugin is written by Yudi Rosen (yudi42@gmail.com, @yudism, github.com/yrosen).
Uses icons from the Silk icon set by famfamfam - http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/
v1.1.1 - Added expiration date support for Orgs v1.0.0 - Original release