Wrapper scripts for deploying a k8s cluster.
- A Google Cloud Platform account.
- A configured gcloud SDK.
- A system with Docker installed.
- A system with Terraform installed.
- A system with kubectl installed.
Creates GKE clusted by passing a GCP Service Account key file.
./k8s create [ -f: key-file-path ] [ -d: dockerfile-folder-path ] [ -n: app-name ]
./k8s.sh create -f key-file.json -d apps/hello-python -n mypythonapp
Destroy GKE clusted by passing a GCP Service Account key file.
./k8s destroy [ -f: gcp-credential-file-path ]
[x] - Implement GKE Ingress Control
[x] - Fix python rest api /greeting respone
[x] - Fix python rest api /square respone
[x] - Fix python rest api /square respone