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SuttaCentral server and client repository

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  1. $ git clone
  2. $ cd suttacentral
  3. $ git checkout production
  4. $ make prepare-host
  5. $ make run-production-env -> Supply needed env variables, if you chose random you will be prompted back with generated values. Remember them! You will use some of them to access admin services.
  6. Done

Or updating in individual steps

  1. cd /opt/suttacentral
  2. git pull
  3. make generate-env-variables -> Supply needed env variables (only if env has been changed)
  4. make run-prod-no-logs -> run docker containers
  5. make delete-database -> OPTIONAL: Skip this if data hasn't seriously changed (do it, if texts have been deleted or renamed)
  6. make migrate -> only needed for delete-database, but harmless to run anyway
  7. make load-data -> load data into arangodb
  8. make index-elasticsearch -> load data into elasticsearch
  9. make reload-uwsgi -> make sure flask server is not serving cached stale data

Minimally disruptive update

If no containers need to be rebuilt then this is all that needs to be run:

  1. cd /opt/suttacentral
  2. git pull
  3. run frontend-builder
  4. make load-data
  5. make reload-uwsgi
  6. make index-elasticsearch

Changing the branch(s) the server, or staging server, uses

  1. cd /opt/suttacentral
  2. git checkout <code-branch>
  3. cd server/sc-data
  4. git checkout <data-branch>
  5. cd po_text
  6. git checkout <po-branch>

Then run the commands for updating, probably including the make delete-database step.


1. Server

1.1 Running the project

  1. Install docker and docker-compose.
  2. Clone the repo git clone
  3. Cd into the repo cd suttacentral.
  4. run make prepare-host in order to make some small adjustment on the host machine so that we can run ElasticSearch.
    • 1st time run: run make run-preview-env - Build images, load data, index-elasticsearch and more.
    • normal run: run make run-dev.

1.2 Loading the data

  1. ensure server is up and run make load-data.
  2. To index elasticsearch run make index-elasticsearch.

1.3 Docs

API documentation is available at /api/docs.

Swagger documentation is generated from doc strings in api methods. The docstring should use OpenAPI specification 2.0 yaml format. This yaml docstring will be interpreted as OpenAPI's Operation Object.


In this mode server, nignx, client dirs are mounted in Docker's containers so that any local changes take place in the container as well.

In addition Uwsgi+Flask expose port 5001 on local host, arangodb port 8529 and elasticsearch ports 9200 and 9300.

1.4 Makefile

There is a Makefile with following commands:

  • prepare-host - Set vm.max_map_count to 262144 because otherwise ElasticSearch won't work. And setup client git-hooks.
  • run-dev - Run containers in development mode.
  • run-dev-no-logs - Run containers in development mode without output to the console.
  • run-prod - Run containers in production mode.
  • run-prod-no-logs - Run containers in production mode without output to the console.
  • migrate - Run migrations in flask container.
  • clean-all - Remove all containers, volumes and built images
  • reload-nginx - Reloads Nginx.
  • reload-uwsgi - Reloads uWSGI+Flask.
  • prepare-tests - Starts containers in test mode and wait for start-ups to finnish.
  • test - Run tests inside containers.
  • test-client - Run only frontend tests.
  • test-server - Run only server test.
  • load-data - Pulls most recent data from github and loads it from server/sc-data folder to the db.
  • delete-databse - Delete database from ArangoDB.
  • index-elasticsearch - Index ElasticSearch with data from the db.
  • run-preview-env - Fully rebuild and run most recent development version.
  • run-preview-env-no-search - Fully rebuild and run most recent development version but does not index ElasticSearch.
  • run-production-env - Fully rebuild and run most recent production version. You will be prompted with questions regarding env variables.
  • generate-env-vairables - Runs script and generate env variables for production version.

1.5 Working with ArangoDB

Our project is using ArangoDB on the back-end. In the development mode it exposes port 8529 on the localhost. You can access its web interface on

In the code that is running in the docker containers you can access the database on the adress sc-arangodb on the same port.

In the development mode:

Login: root

password: test

In order to change password you have to change ARANGO_ROOT_PASSWORD in env's .env fiel eg. If you want to change it in development env you have to edit .dev.env file.

1.6 Nginx proxy

Our project is using nginx as a HTTP reverse proxy. It is responsible for serving static files and passing /api/* endpoints to the uwsgi+flask server.

1.7 Working with elasticsearch

Expose ports 9200 and 9300.

1.8 Flask + uWSGI

Flask is hidden behind uWSGI. uWsgi communicate with nignx with unix socket. The socket file (uwsgi.sock) is in socket-volume shared beetwen nginx and flask+uwsgi

Creating db migrations

In order to create database migration in out app you have to follow those simple steps:

  1. in server/server/migrations/migrations folder create file with name <migration_name>_<id of the last migration + 1>.py.
  2. Add this line at the top of the file: from ._base import Migration.
  3. Create class that inherits from Migration class.
  4. Set migration_id class attribute to match the file name.
  5. create some tasks. Each task should be separate method accepting only self as a parameter.
  6. Set tasks = ['first_task', 'second_task', ...] in class attributes.
  7. You are good to go just remember to never change the 'migration_id'. otherwise your migrations might fail.

For example:

from common.arangodb import get_db
from migrations.base import Migration

class InitialMigration(Migration):
    migration_id = 'initial_migration_001'
    tasks = ['create_collections']

    def create_collections(self):
        Creates collections of suttas and collection of edges between them.
        db = get_db()
        graph = db.create_graph('suttas_graph')
        suttas = graph.create_vertex_collection('suttas')
        parallels = graph.create_edge_definition(

Flask manage tasks

  1. python migrate - Run migrations.
  2. python list_routes - Lists all available routes/URLs.

1.10 Style guidelines

  • Follow PEP8 for Python code.

  • Try to keep line width under 120 characters.

  • Use formatted string literals for string formatting.

  • Use Type Hints whenever possible.

  • In views methods (get, post, etc.) Use YAML OpenAPI 2.0 object format in docstrings.

  • For the rest of docstrings use google style docstring.

  • Code for the API endpoints should be places in api folder, except of the search endpoint.

  • Names, variables, docstring, comments, etc. should be written in english.

  • Test files should be placed in tests dir in directory where tested file is.

2. Client

2.1 Style guidelines

General considerations:

  • Use template strings.

  • Use ES6 fat arrow functions.

  • Use ES6 classes (class MyElement extends Polymer.Element) instead of the old Polymer({...}) syntax when declaring an element inside your <script> tags.

  • Use const/let instead of var when declaring a variable.

  • Use === and !== instead of == and != when comparing values to avoid type coercion.

  • Comments explaining a function's purpose should be written on the line directly above the function declaration.

  • Internal HTML imports should come after external ones (from bower_components) and be separated by a newline.

  • When commenting Components at the top-level (above <dom-module>), keep HTML comment tags (\<!-- & -->) on their own separate lines.

  • Try to keep line width under 120 characters.


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  • JavaScript 86.0%
  • Python 13.4%
  • Other 0.6%