Multiobjective Adaptive Surrogate Modeling-based Optimization Toolbox I
Run INSTALL.m first.
Open any example file (e.g., example/OsyczkaKundu/OK_case001.m) and run.
Please cite following conference article when you use the software:
Yong Hoon Lee, R. E. Corman, Randy H. Ewoldt, and James T. Allison, "A multiobjective adaptive surrogate modeling-based optimization (MO-ASMO) framework using efficient sampling strategies," In Proceedings of the ASME 2017 IDETC/CIE Conference, Volume 2B: 43rd Design Automation Conference, DETC-2017-67541, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2017. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2017-67541