This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 8, 2022. It is now read-only.
1.6 Dashboard redesign.
Dashboard Redesign
In this release, our main goal was to rebuild the Virtual Y homepage and make it more efficient for users.
After some competitor research and community feedback, we've updated the dashboard to better meet member needs:
- Made Instructor a separate entity with the ability to arrange content by instructor
- Added widget that shows all available instructors to the homepage
- Added widget that allows users to filter content by its duration. Content editors could set boundaries for duration entities. We've packed demo examples for you that you could update for your needs
- Added widget that shows all last content, added to the Virtual Y
- Added Instructor page
- Updated Demo Content
Bug fixes and other tasks
- Reclique SSO auth plugin: fixed new user email problem
- Fixed date format at Virtual Y logs (#156)
- Added permission for Instructors to edit only their 1on1 meetings
- Fixed bug on the calendar during Day saving light switch (#166)
- Updated shared content module documentation
- Fixed login error for Avocado SSO login method
- Use interface instead of class (#167)
- Fixed warnings in the status report (#148)
- Fixed caching issues at Personify SSO authentication provider (#158)
- Updated description for fields at the Shared Content Server creation form.
Thanks to @Sardis93 , @NightHunterSV , @hamrant , @szherebchuk , @podarok, @AnastasiiaPys, @kairamkondarajesh for all your efforts!