Trading is an application collecting financial data from an external provider and allow users to manage their virtual portofolio.
JDK 21+ and Maven 3.8+
Node 20+ and Yarn 3.2+
mvn clean install
cd trading-webapp
mvn spring-boot:run
cd trading-ng
yarn install
yarn start
Angular app containing the following screens :
- Index: Latest collected data
- Chart: Historical data with an interactive chart
- Portofolio: Buy/sell stocks and currencies
- Admin: add/remove stocks to collect (ADMIN users only, search is based on Yahoo tickers)
Collects financial data from provider (Yahoo) every 5 min (customizable)
Rest API endpoints
Business and DAO layers as well as implementation of financial data provider.
- Frontend is powered by Angular 17 with PrimeNG and Highcharts. Testing is done with Cypress E2E/Component and Jest.
- Backend is powered by Spring-boot 3.2 and use a lot of Spring modules (spring-web, spring-security, spring-data-jpa, spring-oauth2...) and third-party dependencies like ArtemisMQ, Querydsl, Lombok, Mapstruct...
- Persistence is configured to use H2DB in dev-mode/tests and PostgreSQL otherwise, but can use other DBMS by switching the database driver dependency and editing the configuration file.
- (optional) User registration is secured with Google reCAPTCHA 2
- (optional) User social login with Google (OpenID Connect) or Github (OAuth 2)