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How to optimize named pipes usage on Windows (maybe)

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How to optimize named pipes usage on Windows (maybe)

This is an analysis of the implementation of named pipes in Windows based on the ReactOS source code. The Windows implementation may differ in little details, but this should be enough to understand the impact of the different options and the key ideas in the implementation. The functions you see below all exist within Windows' ntoskrnl.exe or npfs.sys, with the same names, and doing the same things as far as I can tell. Note that the recommendations are only based on this analysis and not on any practical study, so take them with care.

Key take-aways

  • There is a fast path in NtWriteFile which can only be reached when FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED is not used.
  • We can use PIPE_NOWAIT to make sure that we don't block the current thread, even when FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED is not used.
  • When FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED is not used, the slow path is only taken if we fall out of quota. In that case the slow path will be blocking the current thread if we use PIPE_WAIT.
  • When PIPE_NOWAIT is used instead and we fall out of quota, the data will only be written partially. More precisely, the data will fill the current pending read requests registered from the other side of the pipe (if any), then the remaining bytes of data will not be written.

A mental model for named pipes

You can think of a named pipe as a linked list of buffers that lives within kernel. The buffers can either be associated to a pending read or write request, or detached from any request. The list itself can be in four states:

  1. a linked list of buffers associated with pending read requests;
  2. an empty linked list (that is the initial state);
  3. a linked list of detached buffers;
  4. a linked list of detached buffers followed by buffers associated with pending write requests.

The buffer size (or quota) associated with a pipe is the maximum total size for the detached buffers. Given the state numbering convention above, reading from a named pipe will lower the state, while writing to it will make the state grow. When using PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, there are two lists instead of one, and each list has its own quota.

Reading from a pipe

Reading from a pipe will first try to read data from the detached buffers (if any), then from the buffers associated with pending write requests (if any). All buffers that were fully read are released, and pending write requests whose buffers can be detached while staying within quota bounds will get detached and completed. After that, if we consumed the full amount of data that was requested, the read request completes immediately.

However, if more data should be consumed from the pipe, then the read request cannot be completed immediately in its entirety. Either the read request will complete immediately with the data it was able to read (PIPE_NOWAIT), or a new buffer will be added to the list and associated to the current read request which is thus pending (PIPE_WAIT).

Writing to a pipe

Writing to a pipe will first try to write data into the buffers associated with pending read requests (if any). Among those, the buffers that become full get removed from the list and their associated read requests get completed. After doing that, if there is remaining data to write, it will be added to the list as a new detached buffer, provided that adding the size of the remaining data to the current quota usage doesn't go beyond quota bounds. Then the write request can complete immediately.

However, if there is remaining data to write and adding it as a detached buffer would make the pipe go beyond quota bounds, then the write request cannot complete immediately in its entirety. In that case, either the write request will complete immediately without adding any of the remaining data to the list (PIPE_NOWAIT), or all the data will be copied into a new buffer that will be added to the list and associated with the current write request which is thus pending (PIPE_WAIT).

Synchronous and asynchronous I/O

A pipe is implemented as a file of Windows. This doesn't mean that it lives on disk, but rather that the APIs that work with files will work with pipes. It is possible to use FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED to do asynchronous I/O [1] on any file, and thus on a pipe too.

When asynchronous I/O is used on any kind of file, a read or write operation will create an I/O request packet (IRP) and send it to the I/O manager, who will forward it to the relevant driver stack. The drivers will do some amount of computation on the current thread then return:

  • STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation completed immediately with success;
  • STATUS_PENDING if there is more work to do, this is the only case in which asynchronous I/O will really be asynchronous;
  • a different status code if the operation compeleted immediately but failed.

When synchronous I/O is used on any kind of file, a read and write operations will call the associated fast I/O routines [2], which will not require the creation of an IRP. If a fast I/O routine succeeds, the operation completes immediately. If that fails, the asynchronous I/O path will be used, and the current thread will wait for completion in case STATUS_PENDING is returned.

[1] [2]

Synchronous and asynchronous I/O with named pipes

When using asynchronous I/O, it is the choice of the driver stack to choose exactly what amount of computation happens on the calling thread and what amount will really happen asynchronously. In the case of named pipes, the routines are implemented by the npfs.sys driver. There are key things to understand about the implications of using this flag with a pipe:

  • Using FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED on a pipe does not imply that all the computation will happen on a different thread. Actually, all the operations that could enable a read of write operation to complete immediately will happen on the thread that calls NtReadFile or NtWriteFile, regardless of whether FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED was used or not.
  • FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED only decides whether the current thread should wait for completion if PIPE_WAIT was used and the request cannot be completed immediately (a read without enough data, or a write without enough quota).
  • If FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED is not used, read and write operations will first try to operate with fast I/O. This will succeed under the same conditions that lead a read or write request to be completed immediately.
  • Using FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED means you will always be using the slower path that requires an IRP, and never attempt to use the fast I/O path.

Recommendations for optimizing pipe usage

  • Do not use FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, so that you can benefit from the fast I/O path.
  • Ask for a quota amount that ensures that falling out of quota is an abnormal situation so as to maximize the success rate of fast I/O write operations.
  • A pipe should not be used to store data, but to transfer it. Make sure that the data is read as quickly and often as possible on the other side of the pipe so that your current use of quota stays as low as possible. It is better to read often and accumulate data in userland, compared to leaving data in the pipe. Leaving data in the pipe will accumulate allocations in kernel non-paged pools, which are a critical resource, and it will prevent fast I/O write operations from succeeding once you get out of quota bounds.
  • When that makes sense and doesn't mean exceeding quota bounds, writing big chunks of data all at once is better than writing small chunks one by one, as that will reduce the number of elements in the linked list.
  • When new data needs to be written to the pipe and you do not want to block the current thread, try first to write from the current thread with PIPE_NOWAIT. If there remains data that should be written, accumulate it in a buffer that a dedicated thread will write later.
  • Have a dedicated thread that writes the accumulated data that could not be written as PIPE_NOWAIT because we were out of quota. This thread sleeps most of the time, waiting for an event from the reading side that signals that they reduced quota usage. If that design is not possible because the reading side does not run your code, the dedicated thread could wake up as soon as we get out of quota and have new leftover data to write to the pipe, and write that data with PIPE_WAIT.

Part 1: NtWriteFile

NtWriteFile(IN HANDLE FileHandle,
            IN HANDLE Event OPTIONAL,
            IN PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine OPTIONAL,
            IN PVOID ApcContext OPTIONAL,
            OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock,
            IN PVOID Buffer,
            IN ULONG Length,
            IN PLARGE_INTEGER ByteOffset OPTIONAL,
            IN PULONG Key OPTIONAL)
    BOOL Synchronous = FALSE;

    /* ... */

    // YJ: The fast path below cannot be reached with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED.
    //     This path uses Fast I/O, which doesn't require an IRP.

    // YJ: This checks for FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED.

    /* Check if we should use Sync IO or not */
    if (FileObject->Flags & FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO)

        /* ... */

        // YJ: The condition below is always true for a named pipe.

        /* If the file is cached, try fast I/O */
        if (FileObject->PrivateCacheMap)
            /* Perform fast write */

            /* ... */

            Success = FastIoDispatch->FastIoWrite(FileObject,

            // YJ: In case of successful fast path, we return directly.

            /* Only accept the result if it was successful */
            if (Success &&
                KernelIosb.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS)
                /* ... */

                return KernelIosb.Status;

        // YJ: Fast path failed, fall back to the slow path.

        /* Remember we are sync */
        Synchronous = TRUE;

    /* Allocate the IRP */
    Irp = IoAllocateIrp(DeviceObject->StackSize, FALSE);

    /* ... */

    /* Perform the call */
    return IopPerformSynchronousRequest(DeviceObject,

IopPerformSynchronousRequest(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
                             IN PIRP Irp,
                             IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject,
                             IN BOOLEAN Deferred,
                             IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode,
                             IN BOOLEAN SynchIo,
                             IN IOP_TRANSFER_TYPE TransferType)
    /* ... */

    /* Queue the IRP */

    /* ... */

    /* Call the driver */
    Status = IoCallDriver(DeviceObject, Irp);

    /* ... */

    // YJ: The condition below checks for FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED. This is the
    //     code that will block the current thread until the operation finishes
    //     if we are not using FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED.

    /* Check if this was synch I/O */
    if (SynchIo)
        // YJ: With PIPE_NOWAIT we never have STATUS_PENDING here, so we cannot
        //     block!

        /* Make sure the IRP was completed, but returned pending */
        if (Status == STATUS_PENDING)
            /* Wait for the IRP */
            Status = KeWaitForSingleObject(&FileObject->Event,
                                           (FileObject->Flags &
                                            FO_ALERTABLE_IO) != 0,
            if ((Status == STATUS_ALERTED) || (Status == STATUS_USER_APC))
                /* Abort the request */
                IopAbortInterruptedIrp(&FileObject->Event, Irp);

            /* Set the final status */
            Status = FileObject->FinalStatus;

        /* Release the file lock */

    /* Return status */
    return Status;

Part 2: npfs.sys

// YJ: This is the write operation called in the slow path.
NpFsdWrite(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
           IN PIRP Irp)
    /* ... */


    /* ... */

    if (IoStatus.Status != STATUS_PENDING)
        Irp->IoStatus.Information = IoStatus.Information;
        Irp->IoStatus.Status = IoStatus.Status;
        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NAMED_PIPE_INCREMENT);

    return IoStatus.Status;

// YJ: This is the write operation called in the fast path.
//     Yep, it's the same except that there is no IRP.
    _In_ PFILE_OBJECT FileObject,
    _In_ PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset,
    _In_ ULONG Length,
    _In_ BOOLEAN Wait,
    _In_ ULONG LockKey,
    _In_ PVOID Buffer,
    _Out_ PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus,
    _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject)
    /* ... */

    Result = NpCommonWrite(FileObject,

    /* ... */

    return Result;

NpCommonWrite(IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject,
              IN PVOID Buffer,
              IN ULONG DataSize,
              IN PETHREAD Thread,
              IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus,
              IN PIRP Irp,
              IN PLIST_ENTRY List)
    /* ... */

    // YJ: Abort the fast path if we know we'll be out of quota after pending
    //     read requests consume the amount of data they asked for.
    if ((WriteQueue->QueueState == ReadEntries &&
         WriteQueue->BytesInQueue < DataSize &&
         WriteQueue->Quota < DataSize - WriteQueue->BytesInQueue) ||
        (WriteQueue->QueueState != ReadEntries &&
         WriteQueue->Quota - WriteQueue->QuotaUsed < DataSize))
        /* ... */

        // YJ: This conditions checks if we are on the fast path.
        if (!Irp)
            WriteOk = FALSE;
            goto Quickie;

    // YJ: This writes data to pending read requests.
    Status = NpWriteDataQueue(WriteQueue,
    IoStatus->Status = Status;

    // YJ: This checks if pending read requests didn't consume all the data.
        // YJ: Abort if we are out of quota and either on the fast path or
        //     using PIPE_NOWAIT.
        if ((Ccb->CompletionMode[NamedPipeEnd] == FILE_PIPE_COMPLETE_OPERATION || !Irp) &&
            ((WriteQueue->Quota - WriteQueue->QuotaUsed) < BytesWritten))
            IoStatus->Information = DataSize - BytesWritten;
            IoStatus->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
        // YJ: Otherwise:
        //  - either we are within quota bounds and we'll be allocating an
        //    entry and returning STATUS_SUCCESS;
        //  - or we are out of quota, on the slow path, using PIPE_WAIT, and
        //    we'll be allocating an entry and returning with STATUS_PENDING,
        //    the IRP will be completed once our entry gets within quota.
            ASSERT(WriteQueue->QueueState != ReadEntries);

            IoStatus->Status = NpAddDataQueueEntry(NamedPipeEnd,
                                                   DataSize - BytesWritten);

    /* ... */

    return WriteOk;


How to optimize named pipes usage on Windows (maybe)






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