This repository is an C++ implementation for paper 'Image partitioning into convex polygons'.
To test the code, make sure that you have OpenCV, CGAL and Boost properly installed on your machine.
To compile the code, I suggest to use CMake.
A CMakeLists.txt file is provided.
To compile the code, follow the steps below.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4
If no errors show up during the compilation, you will see a executable file named convex_hull_segmentation.
To run it, the command is:
$ ./convex_hull_segmentation input_image epsilon_value.
The default value for epsilon parameter is 40.0.
There is a test_img folder with 5 images for testing.
To test, simply run this command
$ ./convex_hull_segmentation ../test_imgs/0001.png 40.0.
You will see the result image and all the intermediate results show up in the build folder.