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DrupalCampNYC Website

Anyone can install this website locally even without being involved in DrupalCampNYC, but the website will have no content and the frontpage will point to a nonexistent page node until you create content and change the frontpage configuration.

DrupalCampNYC DevOps is hosted on Pantheon. You need to be a member of the DrupalCampNYC Pantheon site's "Team" (link only works if you are a member) to be able to:

  • Make a manual backup of the site
  • Download a copy of the site's database and/or files (sites/default/files)
  • Deploy to Pantheon's Test or Stage environment

Our canonical git repository is on GitHub. You need to be a member of the GitHub Drupal-NYC organization's DrupalCamp team (link only works if you are a member) in order to:

  • Push changes to the master branch
  • Approve pull requests

Our .gitignore file is constructed to prevent "built" files such as those managed by Composer (e.g. Drupal core, contrib modules, and the vendor directory) or other package managers and build tools (e.g. theme dependencies and theme assets) from being added to the repository.

When changes are pushed to or merged into the master branch on GitHub, a build should be triggered on CodeShip. You need to be a member of the Drupalnyc Devs CodeShip team (link only works if you are a member) to:

CodeShip, among other things, runs composer install and npm run build, copies the GitHub repo and the newly built files to the master branch of our Pantheon site's git repository, and performs additional steps to deploy the changes to our Pantheon Dev environment.

Our use of CodeShip for CI has many benefits, but one side effect is that we can't use Pantheon's environments to make any changes to configuration (e.g. site building) because there is no good way to get those changes back to our canonical git repository in GitHub. Thus, we must use local development environments to make configuration changes.

*** If you are using an Apple laptop with the M1 chip, make sure you have this version of PHP installed: PHP 7.3.27 You can check your version by using : php -v. Do not upgrade to PHP 8.0! The installation of the environment for M1 will not work with that version.

Local Environment Using Lando

Lando documentation

Initial Setup

Note that the git repo already has a .lando.yml file so you shouldn't run lando init.

  1. Download and install the latest release of Lando

  2. *** If you are running laptop with the Apple M1 chip please note: the lando installation will also install Docker for the intel chip. This will cause an error on your machine. You must install the M1 version of Docker. This should overwrite the one installed by Lando. It can be found here: (

  3. Create a directory to contain the site (e.g. mkdir ~/Sites/drupalcampnyc). To avoid file permission issues, it is strongly recommended that this directory be located within your home folder.

  4. Change to that directory (e.g. cd ~/Sites/drupalcampnyc)

  5. If you have your local SSH public key added to your GitHub account (recommended), clone the repository using:

    git clone .

    Otherwise, clone using HTTPS:

    git clone .

  6. If you are a member (on Pantheon) of the DrupalCampNYC Pantheon site's "Team", copy the Pantheon-enabled local Lando config:

    cp setup/lando-pantheon/.lando.local.yml .

    And be sure that you have uploaded your public SSH key to Pantheon.

    Otherwise, copy the non-Pantheon local Lando config:

    cp setup/lando-basic/.lando.local.yml .

  7. lando start

    Note (don't run these commands): per .lando.yml and .lando.local.yml, when lando start is run for the first time and whenever lando rebuild is run, the following commands are run inside the container:

    • composer install for the project
    • npm install in web/themes/drupalnyc
    • npm run build in web/themes/drupalnyc to compile the theme
  8. For a fresh Drupal installation that takes advantage of all the configuration that has already been done, install from config:

    lando drush si minimal --existing-config

    Note: installing from config can easily take 10 minutes to complete.

    If you are a member (on Pantheon) of the DrupalCampNYC Pantheon site's "Team", you probably instead want to "Refresh from Pantheon" per the next section.

Refresh from Pantheon

To replace your local environment's database and files with that of our Live environment, ensure that you are using the Pantheon lando.local.yml described under "Initial Setup" above, ensure that you are a member of the Pantheon site's "Team", then:

  1. lando pull
  2. lando update

lando update is defined in .lando.yml and runs the following commands so that you don't have to run them individually.

  1. lando composer install
  2. lando drush cr
  3. lando drush updb
  4. lando drush cim

Note that this will overwrite your local database and files without prompt. The lando drush cim ensures that your local environment uses the development-specific configuration (e.g. enables Devel).

You now have a fully functional local environment, accessible at

If you find that you can see the site, but the theme was not applied, check out your error/warning messages in the console. You may be asked to install a module called optipng. Use this command to install it: npm install --save optipng-bin

Useful Commands

git push as normal.

The following commands must be run with their lando prefix so that they are run inside the Lando container.

Composer: lando composer <command>

Drush: lando drush <command>

Drupal Console: lando drupal <command>

Turn off Lando: lando poweroff

Start the site: lando start

Build the theme: lando npm run build

Build the theme automatically when changed: lando npm run watch

Get a one-time log in URL for user 1: lando drush uli

Using XDebug

XDebug debugging is enabled, but for performance reasons, start_with_request is set to "trigger" so you'll need to trigger XDEBUG per request. Alternatively you can create a custom php.ini based on .lando/php.ini and override the active php.ini in .lando.local.yml (which you may need to create).

Using Composer

You must run composer inside the Lando container by using lando composer instead of composer.

Why? For performance reasons, lando.yml is configured to disable syncing of files in the vendor and node_modules directories. For this reason, running vanilla composer commands in your terminal will not behave as expected.

If you prefer to take the performance hit (and use composer) rather than have to use lando composer, you should be able to override the excludes in lando.local.yml by adding an exclude similar to "!vendor".

Lando's Performance documentation explains further.

Composer Scaffold

We use Drupal's core-composer-scaffold to place and manage files provided by Drupal core or Pantheon.


We are grateful to Drupal Europe 2018 for providing their codebase, which we adopted and improved upon.


To collaborate in real-time, please join us in the #camp-website channel of DrupalNYC Slack.

To collaborate with us and other camps on a shared codebase for future camps, please join us in the #event-website-starterkit channel of the Drupal Event Organizers Slack.

We encourage merge requests.


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