Geohashing functionality for PostgreSQL, Greenplum and Cloudberry
-- First create the extension
-- Encode latitude/longitude to geohash (default precision is 12)
SELECT geohash_encode(point(-5.60302734375, 42.60498046875));
-- Returns: ezs42...
-- Encode with specific precision
SELECT geohash_encode_with_precision(point(-5.60302734375, 42.60498046875), 5);
-- Returns: ezs42
-- Decode geohash to lat/lon point
SELECT geohash_decode('ezs42');
-- Returns: (-5.60302734375,42.60498046875)
-- Find neighboring geohash
-- direction: 0=North, 1=NorthEast, 2=East, 3=SouthEast, 4=South, 5=SouthWest, 6=West, 7=NorthWest
SELECT geohash_neighbor('ezs42', 0); -- Northern neighbor
-- Returns: ezs48
SELECT geohash_neighbor('ezs42', 2); -- Eastern neighbor
-- Returns: ezs43
Assuming that rust toolchain is already istalled:
# install pgrx
cargo install --locked cargo-pgrx
cargo pgrx init
# build and install pg_geohash
git clone
cd pg_geohash
cargo pgrx run
## source pg_config then
cargo pgrx install