Syrian DataBase
It is a simple library that depends on connecting to databases via mysql that performs data processing, as it converts ordinary data into sql
The library is safe and does not contain sql injection
vulnerabilities. It is intended to avoid these problems, which may be somewhat difficult for beginners to avoid, and it is easy and flexible to learn.
This library was just an experiment and does not have the ability for large and medium projects because of the lack of the ability to merge tables through methods embedded in it, it is useful to add and delete data only and in the end it was just an experience for me and I learned a lot from it and today I do not advise anyone to deal with it
Index A sequential list of methods: Install Library How to install library SyDb Select Data Get data from the database Insert Data Set data from the database Update Data Update data from the database Delete Data Delete data from the database Query SQL Run SQL code Connect DataBase New connect database Close Connect DataBase Close the connect present Table Table properties Error Error Exception Some future:
You can install library with composer
You can install a library using Composer which is the best way to download SyDb by adding the following line to composer.json
"require": {
"yhyasyrian/sydb": "^1.5"
Or run:
composer require yhyasyrian/sydb
In the "Select" class, there are several methods of use, namely:
, select
, fetch_all
, fetch
Used to fetch data
Use select_sql
to display an integrated sql code that accepts three parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$where means where to search, type Array
value defult="[]", Syntax:
Column name => the value in it
$etcWhere It is intended to add properties to the search, Methods will be developed for it in future updates, type String
value defult="".
Return Code Sql, String
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$sql = $SyDb->select_sql('memers',['type'=>'admin']);
echo $sql; // SELECT * FROM `memers` WHERE `type`='admin';
// Example $_SESSION['user'] = 'Yhya'
$sql = $SyDb->select_sql('memers',['type'=>'admin','user'=>$_SESSION['user']]);
echo $sql; // SELECT * FROM `memers` WHERE `type`='admin' AND `user`='Yhya';
// Exaple $message = 'Heelo \' Yhya" I am Hak';
$sql = $SyDb->select_sql('message',['message'=>"Heelo ' Yhya\" I am Hak"]);
echo $sql; // SELECT * FROM `message` WHERE `message`='Heelo ' Yhya" I am Hak';
Use select
to run sql code that accepts three parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$where means where to search, type Array
value defult="[]", Syntax:
Column name => the value in it
$etcWhere It is intended to add properties to the search, Methods will be developed for it in future updates, type String
value defult="".
Return \mysqli_result, Object
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$select = $SyDb->select('memers',['type'=>'band']);
$select->num_rows; // Count rows ; int|string @link
// And You Can View All Data
while ($row = $SyDb->fetch($select) /*
* It is shortcut for function mysqli_fetch_assoc
*/) {
print_r($row); // For print this data
Use fetch_all
to select all data that accepts three parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$where means where to search, type Array
value defult="[]", Syntax:
Column name => the value in it
$etcWhere It is intended to add properties to the search, Methods will be developed for it in future updates, type String
value defult="".
Return Data rows, Array
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$fetch_all = $SyDb->fetch_all('memers',['type'=>'active']);
print_r($fetch_all); /* * Output is :
[id] => 1,
[type] => "active",
[name] => "Yhya"
[id] => 2,
[type] => "active",
[name] => "Saied"
Use fetch
to select first data that accepts three parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$where means where to search, type Array
value defult="[]", Syntax:
Column name => the value in it
$etcWhere It is intended to add properties to the search, Methods will be developed for it in future updates, type String
value defult="".
Return Data row, Array
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$fetch = $SyDb->fetch('memers',['type'=>'active']);
print_r($fetch); /* * Output is :
[id] => 1,
[type] => "active",
[name] => "Yhya"
In the "Insert" class, there are several methods of use, namely:
, insert
Used to insert data
Use insert_sql
to display an integrated sql code for add data to database that accepts two parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$data means data that you want to add into database, type Array
Column name => the value in it
Return Code Sql, String
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$sql = $SyDb->insert_sql('memers',['type'=>'admin','name'=>'Yhya']);
echo $sql; // INSERT INTO `memers` (`type`,`name`) VALUES ('admin','Yhya');
$sql = $SyDb->insert_sql('memers',['type'=>'active','name'=>'Hello I am\' Hack']);
echo $sql; // INSERT INTO `memers` (`type`,`name`) VALUES ('active','Hello I am' Hack');
Use insert
to run an integrated sql code for add data to database that accepts two parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$data means data that you want to add into database, type Array
Column name => the value in it
Return true, Bool
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$sql = $SyDb->insert('memers',['type'=>'admin','name'=>'Yhya']); // Adding to the database is done
In the "Update" class, there are several methods of use, namely:
, update
Used to update data
Use update_sql
to display an integrated sql code for update data to database that accepts three parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$where means where data that you want to update into database, type Array
Column name => the value in it
$new means data that you want to update into database, type Array
Column name => the value in it
Return Code Sql, String
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$sql = $SyDb->update_sql('memers',['type'=>'admin','name'=>'Yhya'],['status'=>"online"]);
echo $sql; // UPDATE `memers` SET `status`='online' WHERE `type`='admin' AND `name`='Yhya';
$sql = $SyDb->update_sql('memers',['type'=>'active','name'=>'Hello I am\' Hack'],['status'=>"ofline"]);
echo $sql; // UPDATE `memers` SET `status`='ofline' WHERE `type`='active' AND `name`='Hello I am' Hack';
Use update
to run an integrated sql code for update data to database that accepts three parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$where means where data that you want to update into database, type Array
Column name => the value in it
$new means data that you want to update into database, type Array
Column name => the value in it
Return Void
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$SyDb->update('memers',['type'=>'active','name'=>'Hello I am\' Hack'],['status'=>"ofline"]);
In the "Delete" class, there are several methods of use, namely:
, delete
Used to delte data
Use delete_sql
to display sql code that accepts three parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$where means where to delete from Database, type Array
Column name => the value in it
Return Code Sql, String
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$sql = $SyDb->delete_sql('memers',['type'=>'admin']);
echo $sql; // SELECT * FROM `memers` WHERE `type`='admin';
$sql = $SyDb->delete_sql('message',['message'=>"Heelo ' Yhya\" I am Hak"]);
echo $sql; // DELETE FROM `message` WHERE `message`='Heelo ' Yhya" I am Hak';
Use delete
to run sql code that accepts three parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$where means where to delete from Database, type Array
Column name => the value in it
Return Void
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$SyDb->delete('message',['message'=>"Heelo ' Yhya\" I am Hak"]);
In the "Query" class, there are several methods of use, namely:
Used to run sql code
Use query
to run sql code that accepts one parameters:
$query means sql code a type mixed
Return Mixed
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$SyDb->query("INSERT INTO `memers` (`type`,`name`) VALUES ('active','Hello I am' Hack');");
// Or
$SyDb->insert_sql('memers',['type'=>'active','name'=>'Hello I am\' Hack'])
// Or
$SyDb->insert('memers',['type'=>'active','name'=>'Hello I am\' Hack'])
{Note}: Using the method can directly cause a sql injection-type hack.
To avoid the problem use the available methods, Example: select, update, etc ...
In the "Connect" class, there are several methods of use, namely:
Used to connect database
Use connect a database and don't need parameters
Return true, Bool
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database'); // Coonect DataBase simple
// Or
{Note}: In PHP CLI between each connection there is an interval (Defult 15s)
In the "Close" class, there are several methods of use, namely:
Used to end connect database
Use end connect a database and don't need parameters
Return true, Bool
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$Sydb->query('SELECT * FROM `table`'); // Error beacuse not found connect, you can connect with function connect()
In the "Table" class, there are several methods of use, namely:
, exportTable
, exportTables
Used to tables a database
Use view a tables in database and don't need parameters
Return all tables, Array
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$tables = $SyDb->viewTable();
print_r($tables); /* * Output is:
[0] => Members,
[1] => Tokens,
[2] => Logs,
[3] => Sitting,
[4] => CronsJob
Use export a table in database and three parameters:
$table means the table, type String
$dir means the path for save files in it, type String
$bool for add number time UNIX for name file export, type Bool
Return true, bool
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$SyDb->exportTable('Members','.'); // you can show file Members.sql
Use export a tables in database and tow parameters:
$dir means the path for save files in it, type String
$bool for add number time UNIX for name file export, type Bool
Return true, bool
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$SyDb->exportTables('.'); // you can show file Members.sql
In the "Error" class, In order to classify errors
Used to show errors
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','passNoTrue','database');
} catch (\YhyaSyrian\Sql\Exception $error) {
// The error from database
echo $error->getMessage();
} catch (\Throwable $error) {
// The error from your file
echo $error->getMessage();
Some functions help this library Example:
The function renders an array as a generic factor of all connections
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$SyDb->addWhere(['site'=>($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?? "CLI")]);
echo $SyDb->select_sql('member',['type'=>'admin']); // SELECT * FROM `member` WHERE `type`='admin' AND `site`='CLI';
echo $SyDb->insert_sql('member',['type'=>'admin','name'=>"Yhya"]); // INSERT INTO `member` (`type`,`name`,`site`) VALUES ('admin','Yhya','CLI');
echo $SyDb->delete_sql('member',['type'=>'banded']); // DELETE FROM `member` WHERE `type`='banded' AND `site`='CLI';
echo $SyDb->update_sql('member',['status'=>'ofline','name'=>"test"],['status'=>"online"]); // UPDATE `member` SET `status`='online' WHERE `status`='ofline' AND `name`='test' AND `site`='CLI';
{Advice}: It may be difficult to add the array manually if you want to change your storage format
If you want get data but start id or last time, you should function StartColumn
where you can set limit and offset example:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
echo $SyDb->select_sql('member',['type'=>'admin'],$SyDb->StartColumn('id',100,0)); // SELECT * FROM `member` WHERE `status`='admin' ORDER BY id LIMIT 0,100;
If you want get data but end id or new time, you should function EtartColumn
where you can set limit and offset example:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
echo $SyDb->select_sql('member',['type'=>'admin']); // SELECT * FROM `member` WHERE `status`='admin' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,100;
If you use this library with CLI, you can set time connect when every connect such as : you connect every second you don't be forced to create connections new becuse the servers are limting connections example:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \YhyaSyrian\Sql\SyDb;
$SyDb = new SyDb('localhost','root','pass','database');
$startTime = time();
$i = 0;
while ($startTime > (time() - 30)) {
echo $i++."-number\r";
// Connect 3 item
End documentation, if you want any project, you can contact us with email: