This project consists of many branches. Each branch contains the technologies that I used in the process of studying react, redux, jest, cypress and ssr. Below are the sections and indicate the technologies that I used on each branch.
First acquaintance with class components in react. Writing the first tests with Jest and RTL.
Working with API in React using native tools in class components.
Rewriting class components to functional ones using hooks.
Creating, validating a form with react-hook-form.
Using Redux Toolkit for state management and RTKQuery for api requests.
SSR implementation using native react and Nodejs. Using cypress for e2e component testing.
1. git clone
2. npm i
3. npm run start
- React (hooks, classes, router)
- React Hook Form
- TypeScript
- Redux (Toolkit, RTKQuery, thunk)
- Jest, RTL, Cypress
- Node.js
- Sass
- ESlint / prettier
- Vite