To be used in testnet only.
To learn more about Aligned and how to use it, refer to the docs page or docs folder.
Aligned wouldn't be possible without the valuable work of these people:
- Ethereum, for being the network we all love
- EigenLayer for providing restaking and AVS
- Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, and Charles Rackoff for inventing ZK proofs
- Eli Ben-Sasson and Starkware for making them practical
- Consensys for implementing the GROTH16 and PLONK protocols in GNARK
- RiscZero for its namesake proving system
- SuccintLabs for creating SP1
- Paradigm for maintaining the Ethers crate and Foundry
- LambdaClass for writing lambdaworks
If you believe we missed someone, contact us! We're always happy to give credit where it's due.