An implementation of liza's buckets for riak.
Supports merge functions (specified per bucket), serialization/deserialization (ships with a fressian/snappy implementation out of the box), metrics (using yammer metrics), and riak's CRDT counters
(unlike liza
itself) is meant to be easy - there's only some
configuration that this library supports. Specific things that are configurable:
- serialization (done with a multi method on content-type)
- allow-siblings (defaults to true)
- r values
- last-write-wins
- host/port
- storage backends
- bucket names
(require '[ :as store])
(require '[ :as riak])
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
(let [riak-client (riak/connect-client {:host "localhost" :port 8087})
users-bucket (riak/connect-bucket {:bucket-name "users"
:client riak-client
:merge-fn set/union})]
(store/modify users-bucket "my-key" (fn [existing]
(conj (or existing #{})
{:email ""})))
(store/get users-bucket "my-key"))
There are two options here that might not be so obvious: pre-serialize
. These let you convert your data in arbitrary ways
before/after passing them to the normal deserialization method. This option is
useful if your storage is different from your domain object, but you don't want
to write that into custom serialization logic for all buckets.
90% of the time you use this project to mutate data in riak, you'll want the
function, to prevent vector clock/sibling explosion.
If you're writing anything other than immutable data, you almost definitely
want allow-siblings
true (which is the default in riak 2.0, and the default
in this project). See and
You should (probably) test that your merge function actually is
associative/commutative/etc, preferably using generative testing. I like both
and clojure.test.generative
for that.
This client includes a connect-test-bucket
, which is just a helper for
using the in memory riak storage option.
Copyright © 2014 Tom Crayford
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.