This Project is about food delivery app
Chapter4: React fragment, configure driven UI,props,virtual DOM, React fiber
chapter5: import export component(default,named, * as ), constant.js(for all hardcode), useState twoway data binding
chapter 6:micro service vs monolith,useeffect,optinalchaining, shimmerUI(instead of normal loader), conditional rendering.
chapter 7: useEffect, react hook rules, formik, react router dom(client side routing, nested routing(outlet), dynamic routing), SPA
chapter 8: class based components, lifecycle methods, rendering phases(render, commit phase(modifying DOM))
chapter 9: custom hooks (why, how, when),utility or helper or shared folder, lazy suspense(lazy loading/ on deamnd loading) Chapter 10: tailwind css styled components, , Material UI chapter 11:state props , props drilling , react dev tools, passing data from child to parent, lifting state up,profiler, context in functional , class based components, nested context
chapter 12: Redux toolkit react-redux , cart feature, redux dev tools
chapter13:- tetsing using jest Reatc testing library, test cases added for body, add items to cart , search functionality