Classification on modified MNIST dataset. Our LocNet achieves the accuracy of 99.90%.
- NumPy
- Pillow
- Matplotlib
- scikit-learn
- PyTorch==0.4.0
---- Traditional Methods
---- Naive Bayes (18.81%)
---- Decision Tree (50.94%)
---- Random Forest (87.61%)
---- K-Nearest Neighbors (88.63%)
---- Support Vector Machine (87.07%)
---- Deep Learning Methods
---- FC Baseline (90.11%)
---- CNN Baseline (99.47%)
---- PointNet (91.02%)
---- SegNet (99.40%)
---- LocNet (99.90%)
Download datasets from jbox and move them to mnist/ folder, the folder structure should look like this:
---- mnist/
---- mnist_train/
---- mnist_test/
cd traditional_methods/NaiveBayes/
cd traditional_methods/DecisionTree/
cd traditional_methods/RandomForest/
These commands will output the performance of random forest with different number of decision trees, demonstrated by the following two figures.
cd traditional_methods/KNN/
These commands will output the performance of KNN with different K, demonstrated by the following figure.
cd traditional_methods/SVM/
These commands will output the performance of linear SVM on different dimension data reduced by PCA, demonstrated by the following two figures.
cd traditional_methods/SVM/
These commands will output the performance of SVM with different kernels.
For five traditional models above, running *
in their respective directory will give
the results as the following table shows.
Naive Bayes | Desision Tree | Random Forest | K-Nearest Neighbor | SVM | |
Target dataset | 18.81% | 50.94% | 87.61% | 88.63% | 87.07% |
Keep largest CC | 19.73% | 55.54% | 89.07% | 88.73% | 88.29% |
Shift CC to center | 75.90% | 92.69% | 98.46% | 97.55% | 96.85% |
note: "CC" stands for connected components.
In this section, we implement FC and CNN baselines for classification. Three methods are proposed to improve the performance:
- PointNet
- SegNet
- LocNet
Each model is in a seperate folder in deep_learning_methods/. To train a model, please go into the corresponding folder and run
. For example, to train a baseline CNN model, you can do as follows:
cd deep_learning_methods/CNN_baseline/
Baseline | Largest CC | CC Centralization | SegNet | LocNet | |
FC | 90.11% | 92.46% | 99.03% | 92.78% | 99.28% |
CNN | 99.47% | 99.31% | 99.88% | 99.40% | 99.90% |
PointNet | 91.02% |
note: "CC" stands for connected components.
We propose SegNet to automatically denoise original images using neural networks. Improvements are significant on FC baseline.
note: "i-th Epoch" stands for the visualization results after training for i epochs.
We propose LocNet to automatically localize digits in original images by tight bounding boxes (BBox) using neural networks. Improvements are significant on both FC and CNN baselines.
note: green boxes are ground truth and red boxes are predictions.