This can be used for any of your model class.
UnitOfWork uof = new UnitOfWork(ContextType.AdventureWorks2012Context);
uof.GetRepo<ContactTypeRepository>().Insert(new ContactType { ContactTypeID = 133, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, Name = "Type1" });
uof.GetRepo<ContactTypeRepository>().Insert(new ContactType { ContactTypeID = 134, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, Name = "Type2" });
uof.GetRepo<AddressTypeRepository>().Insert(new AddressType { AddressTypeID = 450, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, Name = "Type121", rowguid = new Guid() });
ContactTypeRepository contactRepo = new ContactTypeRepository();
contactRepo.Insert(new ContactType { ContactTypeID = 107, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, Name = "Type3" });
In case you face any problem, knok me at :