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A Puppet dashboard+ENC with encrypted parameters



This project aims to provide a panel/dashboard to ease day to day administration of Puppet:

  • External Node Controller: define classes and parameters on nodes/groups to use them directly in your Puppet code.
  • Encrypted parameters: to improve security, parameter can be encrypted using a public key. Only the private key owned by Puppet master (via the ENC script) can decrypt this parameters and use them in your Puppet code.
  • Report visualization and nodes status: using PuppetDB data.


This panel is made for Puppet Collection 1 (aka PC1) and requires PuppetDB. It is developped using Python 2 and AngularJS.

Python requirements are available in the requirements.txt file.

AngularJS requirements are available in the bower.json file.

Here are dependencies for Debian:

apt-get install python-pip python-virtualenv python-dev libmysqlclient-dev libffi-dev npm
npm install -g bower yuglify

Configure PuppetMaster

This does not show how to install and configure Puppet. Refere to the official wiki for documentation.

First, you need to generate a new certificate in PuppetCA, that will be used to connect to PuppetCA and PuppetDB (the _client certificate), and to encrypt parameters (the _encryption certificate).

puppet cert generate puppetpanel-client
puppet cert generate puppetpanel-encryption --keylength 2048

INFO: The encryption key size is fixed at 2048 bits, because of a limitation defined in the database schema (content encrypted with keys of 4096 bits will be truncated).

The required files that need to be copied to the PuppetPanel server are then:

  • /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem: will be used to verify server certificate when connecting to PuppetDB and PuppetCA (may be renamed ca.crt)
  • /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/puppetpanel-client.pem: will be used for SSL connection to PuppetDB and PuppetCA (may be renamed puppetpanel-client.crt)
  • /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/puppetpanel-client.pem: will be used for SSL connection to PuppetDB and PuppetCA (may be renamed puppetpanel-client.key)
  • /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys/puppetpanel-encryption.pem: will be used to encrypt parameters (may be renamed

Edit /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/auth.conf to allow access to PuppetCA with the puppetpanel-client certificate:

    # Allow puppet-panel to manage certificates
    match-request: {
        path: "^/puppet-ca/v1/certificate_status(es)?/(.*)$"
        type: regex
        method: [get, put, delete]
    allow: "puppetpanel-client"
    sort-order: 500
    name: "puppetlabs certificate status"

To add the ENC script:

cd /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
chmod +x puppet-panel_enc.rb

wget -O puppet-panel.yaml

And edit the puppet-panel.yaml file to match your PuppetPanel url and authorization (you can generate an Api-Key from an administrator user settings, after PuppetPanel installation and configuration below). The private_key is already set with the one generated above.

Then, the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf needs to be modified:

node_terminus = exec
external_nodes = /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby $confdir/puppet-panel_enc.rb
reports = puppetdb

storeconfigs = true
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb

Your PuppetDB server must be installed and the puppetdb.conf configuration must work.

Finally, restart the puppetserver service:

service puppetserver restart


To install PuppetPanel on production server, a specific user and a virtualenv are recommended. Installation here is shown in /opt/puppet-panel with puppet-panel user.

useradd puppet-panel -d /opt/puppet-panel -m -s /bin/bash
su puppet-panel
cd /opt/puppet-panel
mkdir env app
virtualenv env/
source env/bin/activate
cd app
git clone .
pip install -r requirements.txt
bower install

If you want to activate virtualenv every time you su as this user:

echo "source ~/env/bin/activate" >> /opt/puppet-panel/.bashrc

As an example, nginx and uwsgi are used to serve the Python app:

apt-get install nginx uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python

Here is a sample /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/puppet-panel.ini configuration:

env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=panel.settings
module = panel.wsgi:application
chdir = /opt/puppet-panel/app
chown-socket = puppet-panel:www-data
logto = /var/log/uwsgi/app/puppet-panel.log

And here is a sample /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/puppet-panel.conf configuration (with SSL enabled):

server {
  listen      80;
  server_name panel.puppet.domain.tld;
  return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

server {
  listen 443;
  server_name panel.puppet.domain.tld;

  ssl on;
  ssl_certificate ssl/panel.puppet.domain.tld.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key ssl/panel.puppet.domain.tld.key;

  access_log  /var/log/nginx/puppet-panel.log;
  location /static/ {
    alias /opt/puppet-panel/app/static/;
  location / {
    uwsgi_pass unix:///run/uwsgi/app/puppet-panel/socket;
    include uwsgi_params;

Then restart and enable services on boot:

systemctl restart nginx
systemctl restart uwsgi
systemctl enable nginx
systemctl enable uwsgi

As seen in the PuppetMaster configuration part above, the following SSL keys must be copied on the PuppetPanel server (on the root of the PuppetPanel installation, here /opt/puppet-panel/app):

  • ca.crt
  • puppetpanel-client.crt
  • puppetpanel-client.key

After the configuration file has been created (see Configuration below), you will be able to fill the static/ folder:

python collectstatic


To upgrade an existing PuppetPanel installation, you need to su as the specific user (here puppet-panel) and execute:

su puppet-panel
source /opt/puppet-panel/env/bin/activate
cd /opt/puppet-panel/app
git pull
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
bower update
python migrate
rm -rf static
python collectstatic

You may need to reload wsgi to make sure changes are taken in account:

systemctl reload uwsgi


The panel/ must be configured properly in order for PuppetPanel to work. A sample file can be used:

cp panel/ panel/

INFO: When modifying configuration, you need to reload uwsgi to make sure changes are taken in account:

systemctl reload uwsgi

Database (mandatory)

The DATABASES defaults to a sqlite3 database (the file db.sqlite3 will be created on the root of your PuppetPanel installation).

If you want to use another database backend, here are examples (database must be created manually):

# PostgreSQL
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'mydatabase',
        'USER': 'mydatabaseuser',
        'PASSWORD': 'mypassword',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '5432',

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'OPTIONS' : { "init_command": "SET foreign_key_checks = 0;" },
        'NAME': 'mydatabase',
        'USER': 'mydatabaseuser',
        'PASSWORD': 'mypassword',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '',

When modifying the database, you will need to populate it and create a superadmin account by executing (on the root of your PuppetPanel installation):

python migrate
python createsuperuser

PuppetDB and PuppetCA (mandatory)

Define here the hostnames of your PuppetDB server. PUPPETDB_PORT might be changed to match your configuration, and PUPPETDB_SSL might be disabled if you are using plain HTTP (not recommended).

# Puppet DB
PUPPETDB_HOST = 'db.puppet.domain.tld'

Then define the hostname of your PuppetCA server. The port of PuppetCA can't be changed and it is 8140 (defaut puppetmaster port).

# Puppet CA
PUPPETCA_HOST = 'ca.puppet.domain.tld'

Encryption (recommended)

INFO: if no encryption is available, PuppetPanel will still work with plain parameters.

For encryption configuration, we are considering the names of SSL keys/certificates shown in the installation part:

# Puppet
PUPPET_CA_CRT = 'ca.crt'
PUPPET_CLIENT_CRT = 'puppetpanel-client.crt'
PUPPET_CLIENT_KEY = 'puppetpanel-client.key'

LDAP Authentication (optional)

In order to use LDAP authentication, you need to install those dependencies (inside the virtualenv):

pip install python-ldap django-auth-ldap

INFO: additional system packages may be needed. For example on Debian:

apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev

Add this configuration to your panel/ (here for OpenLDAP) and change it according to your needs:

# OpenLDAP


import ldap
from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch, GroupOfNamesType

AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = "ldap://ldap.domain.tld"

#AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = "cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=tld"

AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("ou=people,dc=domain,dc=tld", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(uid=%(user)s)")

AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectClass=groupOfNames)")
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE = GroupOfNamesType('uid')

AUTH_LDAP_REQUIRE_GROUP = "cn=PUPPET-Users,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld"

    "is_active": "cn=PUPPET-Users,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld",
    "is_staff": "cn=PUPPET-Users,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld",
    "is_superuser": "cn=PUPPET-Users,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld"

Here is an example for Active Directory:

# Active Directory


import ldap
from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch, NestedActiveDirectoryGroupType

AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = "ldap://ad.domain.tld"

AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = "cn=puppet,ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=tld"

AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("OU=Users,DC=domain,dc=tld", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(sAMAccountName=%(user)s)")

AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("ou=Groups,DC=domain,dc=tld", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectClass=group)")
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE = NestedActiveDirectoryGroupType()

AUTH_LDAP_REQUIRE_GROUP = "CN=PUPPET-Users,ou=Groups,DC=domain,dc=tld"


    "is_active": "CN=PUPPET-Users,ou=Groups,DC=domain,dc=tld",
    "is_staff": "CN=PUPPET-Users,ou=Groups,DC=domain,dc=tld",
    "is_superuser": "CN=PUPPET-Users,ou=Groups,DC=domain,dc=tld"

    "first_name": "givenName",
    "last_name": "sn",
    "email": "mail"

Here, users from ou=people,dc=domain,dc=tld (or OU=Users,DC=domain,dc=tld in Active Directory) are imported if they are in the group cn=PUPPET-Users,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld. Every user is by default set to active/staff/superadmin.


A Puppet dashboard+ENC with encrypted parameters







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