To start API Phoenix server:
Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
Optionally: you can seed database with
mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
You can run tests with
mix test
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
You will need to have PostgreSQL installed with default user "postgres"/ "postgres" or update Repo configurations in config
folder to use another user/password
This project implements simpe API server that allows to manage users and create different types of transcations for every user. No authentification was implemented because this is the complex task and lies beyond the scope of the small project.
Project consists of the two contexts:
- Accounts is responsible for manipulations with User entities. Users can be listed, created, updated and deleted. Actually no user information is deleted from DB, user gets special is_deleted attribute and excluded from any API results but all related information is still preserved.
- Operations contains Operation - transaction of a a given Type. Each transaction is connected with User and Type.
- Type can be created, shown, and type description can be updated. Once created - operation type can't be deleted.
- Operation of particular types can be created for a given user. Once created - operations can't be nor updated not deleted. In case of balance correction - You can introduce a new operation with specific type and/or description (eg "adjustment", "refund"...)
Following API operations are available:
GET /api/users
GET /api/users/:id
POST /api/users
PATCH /api/users/:id
PUT /api/users/:id
DELETE /api/users/:id
These operations allows to get list of all available users, show user by id
, create user, update and delete user. You can set is_deleted
attribute only with DELETE
operation, update operation ignores this arttibute. Deleted user is exluded from the users list, and returns error if You try to manipulate this recored by id
Example of User JSON:
"last_name": "Bond",
"id": "2a9bc69e-2b33-4099-ab1b-11ecb25b969e",
"first_name": "James",
"email": "",
"age": 25
GET /api/operations/types
GET /api/operations/types/:id
POST /api/operations/types
PATCH /api/operations/types/:id
PUT /api/operations/types/:id
These operations allows manipulations with transcation types. Once created - type can't be deleted and only type description can be udpated.
Example of Type JSON:
"type": "debit",
"id": 1,
"description": "remove an amount of money from a users's account"
GET /api/operations/all/:user
GET /api/operations/all/:user/:type
GET /api/operations/:id
POST /api/operations/:user/:type
This set of API calls allows manipulations with operations
(transcations). You can get the list of all transactions for the user. You can list user transcations only of the particular type. And You can create a new transaction. Once created - transaction can't be nor deleted not modified.
Example of Operations JSON:
"data": {
"user": {
"last_name": "Bond",
"id": "2a9bc69e-2b33-4099-ab1b-11ecb25b969e",
"first_name": "James",
"email": "",
"age": 25
"total": 5.0,
"operations": [
"type": {
"type": "credit",
"id": 2,
"description": "add an amount of money to a users's account"
"id": 1,
"description": "Enumeration",
"date": "2017-09-11T15:51:57.547000",
"amount": 10.0
"type": {
"type": "debit",
"id": 1,
"description": "remove an amount of money from a users's account"
"id": 2,
"description": "Amazon sale",
"date": "2017-09-11T15:51:57.565000",
"amount": -5.0