A personal one-shot example app using React, Tornado, and GraphQL.
The subscription code is not working.
Install NPM packages:
% npm install
Install pip packages and register tornado-graphql-example
% cd tornado
% pip install -r requirements.in
% python setup.py develop
Launch the GraphQL API server:
% tornado-graphql-example
Launch the development web server which serves the static client-side app:
% npm start
option enables auto-start on modifying files:
% tornado-graphql-example --debug
By default, all origins are allowed to CORS. Be sure to configure the following options.
) orallow_origin_path
- React
- Redux
- react-router and react-router-redux
- Apollo client (GraphQL integration)
- Semantic-UI-React (CSS framework)
The application code was generated by create-react-app.
See package.json for more information.
See tornado/requirements.in for more information.
- Create the independent
module same asflask-graphql
- Add missing GraphQL features and make the code robust
- GraphiQL integration
- Tests
- Background job processing using ZeroMQ (Tornado really shines with this!)
- Authentication
- GraphQL subscription