Trigonometric Functions such as sin, cos and tan are implemented by using taylor serise and tested using JUnit in this project.
- sin function
- cos function
- tan function
- Calculating accurate value in radian
- Checking other functionalities such as Power and Factorial
- Calculating accurate value in degree
- Normalizing radian value between 0 to 2 pi.
- Checking accuracy of Trigonometric Functions
- First test case is to check whether the value which is generated by sin, cos and tan is accurate or not.
- Checking other functionalities
- Second Test case is used for checking other supporting functionalities such as Power and Factorial which are cruial to count term in taylor serise.
- Checking accuracy of Trigonometric Fucntions in Degree
- Third Test case is used for whether the functions are converting degree inputs to trigonometric values. For, that We converted degree to radian value.
- Normalizing radian value between 0 to 2 pi.
- Forth Test case is used for normalizing any value to 0 to 2 pi. ex. 60 radian.