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Setup Guide (work in progress)

Dariush Moshiri edited this page Dec 29, 2018 · 3 revisions

Setup Guide (work in progress)

In order to write YAREL programs download and set up the Eclipse plugin as explained.

Step 1

Start Eclipse. Select Help -> Install New Software.

enter image description here

Step 2

Type into Work with and select Yarel plugin. enter image description here

Step 3

Select Yarel plugin. Press Next.

Step 4

Review the license. Press Finish.

Create a new Project

Currently, no project template exists for Yarel. In order to develop a Yarel program just create a new Java Project from Eclipse.

Once created the project right-click on the source folder and select New -> File. Type any name with extension .rl. Eclipse asks to change to an Xtext perspective or not. Just accept.

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