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The React version of carbon-addons-data-viz (currently the only version).

Getting Started


npm install -S carbon-addons-data-viz-react

Import the graph:

import { LineGraph } from 'carbon-addons-data-viz-react';

Import the styles:

@import 'carbon-addons-data-viz-react/sass/index.scss';

Here is a link to a Code Sandbox example in which you can play around:

Current Components

Bar Graph

Bar Graph

Bar Graph

Grouped Bar Graph

Grouped Bar Graph

Line graph

Line graphs connect individual data values together to show the continuity from one value to the next, making it a great way to display the shape of values as they change over time.

Line Graph

Gauge graph

Gauge graphs show the part-to-whole relationship of one value compared to its total.

Gauge Graph

Half-gauge graph

Like theGauge graph, half-gauge graphs show the part-to-whole relationship of one value compared to its total.

Half-gauge graph

Pie Chart

Pie charts show individual values that make up a whole data set so users can compare the values to each other and see how each value compares to the whole.


Graph Props

Bar Graph

name type example
data array [[[214], 0], [[369], 1]
height number 300
width number 800
id string 'graph'
containerId string 'graph-container'
margin object { top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 70, left: 65 }
labelOffsetX number 65
labelOffsetY number 55
axisOffset number 16
timeFormat string %I:%M:%S
xAxisLabel string X Axis
yAxisLabel string Y Axis
emptyText string There is currently no data available
onHover func () => {}
color array ['#00a68f', '#3b1a40', '#473793', '#3c6df0', '#56D2BB']
maxValueY number 1500

Line Graph

name type example
data array [[25, 1507563000000], [100, 1507563900000]
height number 300
width number 800
id string 'graph'
containerId string 'graph-container'
margin object { top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 70, left: 65 }
labelOffsetX number 65
labelOffsetY number 55
axisOffset number 16
timeFormat string %I:%M:%S
xAxisLabel string X Axis
yAxisLabel string Y Axis
emptyText string There is currently no data available
onHover func () => {}
onMouseOut func () => {}
isUTC bool false
color array ['#00a68f', '#3b1a40', '#473793', '#3c6df0', '#56D2BB']
drawLine bool true
animateAxes bool true

Gauge Graph

name type example
radius number 80
padding number 30
amount number 75
total number 100
size string full
gaugePercentages array [{ low: 0, high: 50, color: '#4B8400' },{ low: 50, high: 75, color: '#EFC100' },{ low: 75, high: 100, color: '#FF5050' }]
id string gauge
tooltipId string tooltip-container
tau number 2 * Math.PI
valueText string 75 out of 100GB
labelText string 75%

Pie Chart

name type example
data array [["Gryffindor", 21], ["Slytherin", 37], ["Ravenclaw", 84]]
radius number 96
formatFunction func (value) => value
id string pie-chart
color array ['#00a68f', '#3b1a40', '#473793', '#3c6df0', '#56D2BB']


DEPRECATED. Please use Carbon Charts instead






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  • JavaScript 97.5%
  • CSS 2.5%