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Set up my own work environment with the tools I like.

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Work Environment


This repository has the scripts to set up my own work environment. See Setup section for the instructions.


Step 0: Prerequisites

  1. A freshly installed Ubuntu 18.04 or later.
  2. Cell phone with the app Authenticator available for GitHub's two-factor authentication.

Step 1: Download this repo

Because this is a freshly installed OS, git, as well as the personal SSH private key, is unlikely to be set up yet. Therefore, you will need to use the Download ZIP function on GitHub to download this repository.

Decompress the .zip file after downloading.

Step 2: Bootstrap

Change into the root of the decompressed folder so you will find the script

Run sudo ./ to install the initial tools (mainly ansible) for further setup.

Step 3: Set up host system

  • 1). Determine the work environment you want to set up, including:
    • The target machine (e.g., localhost).
    • The host operating system (e.g., Ubuntu 18.04).
    • The code committer variables, including at least (see the code-committer-<name>.yml for all the variables):
      • code_committer_ssh_private_key_file_path
      • code_committer_host_code_root_dir
  • 2). Run cd ./ansible.
  • 3). Run ansible-galaxy collection install -r ./ansible-requirements.yml to install the needed Ansible collections.
  • 4). Run ansible-galaxy role install -r ./ansible-requirements.yml to install the needed Ansible roles.
  • 5). Run ansible-playbook -Kvvv ./my-ubuntu-desktop-18.04.yml.

Step 4: Set up the containerized work env

  • 1). source ./
  • 2). cd containerized-work-env
  • 3). ansible-playbook -v host-work-env-dir.yml (to create the $HOME/yaobin as the work env directory).
  • 4). Copy the following required files:
    • a). GPG signing key to $HOME/yaobin/.gpg/sub_signing.key.
    • b). SSH private key to $HOME/yaobin/.ssh/id_rsa.
  • 5). Optionally, copy the AWS configuration files into $HOME/yaobin/.aws.
    • If you do it, you will be able to access AWS from within the containerized work environment directly.
  • 6). ./ (to build the containerized-work-env container).
  • 7). Run containerized-work-env-personal start to start the container; run containerized-work-env-personal stop to stop the container; run containerized-work-env-personal login to log in the container.

Step 5: Set up the printer

As of 2023-03-31, I am using a Brother MFC-7860DW printer/scanner. Follow the steps below to set up the driver:

  • 1). Connect the printer to the local network and power it on.
  • 2). Figure out the IP address of the printer:
    • a). Run avahi-browse -kart to browse all the available devices. Look for the section for Brother MFC-7860DW.
    • b). My printer's hostname is BRN30055C086C0F.local. So I can just run ping BRN30055C086C0F.local to get the IP address.
  • 3). Go to the Downloads page.
  • 4). Select Linux -> Linux (deb). Click OK.
  • 5). Click Driver Install Tool which says "The tool will install LPR, CUPSwrapper driver and scanner driver (for scanner models)."
  • 6). Click "Agree to the EULA and Download" to trigger the download.
  • 7). Follow the "How to Install" steps to finish the actual installation. Some notes:
    • a). To run the installation script, I should provide MFC-7860DW as the input argument.
    • b). Because I am using a network printer, I should enter yes to the question "Will you specify the DeviceURI ?", and then enter the IP address of the printer.


Some of the repositories are configured to use pre-commit to do preventative checks at the time of Git commits in order to minimize the commit mistakes.

The official website provides the detailed steps to set up the pre-commit hooks. A quick recap is as follows:

  • Inside the repository root folder (i.e., where .git resides), run pre-commit --version to make sure pre-commit is installed.
  • Create .pre-commit-config.yaml as the configuration file. Use the .pre-commit-config.yaml of this repository as an example.
  • Run pre-commit-validate-config ./.pre-commit-config.yaml to validate the configuration file.
  • Run pre-commit install to install the hook entry point. Note this doesn't actually install the hook scripts but merely the entry point trigger. The actual hook scripts are installed at the first time the pre-commit hooks are called.


Set up my own work environment with the tools I like.






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