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This is a C# .net core Temperature/Thermometer Library.

This library allows you to convert temperature units, so far Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit.

There are three thermometers: Basic Thermometer, MultiUnit Thermometer and an AlerterThermometer.

The Alerter Thermometer allows you to set up temperature thresholds to receive an alert when the temperature reaches your chosen threshold.


var converter = new TemperatureConverter(new ConverterFactory(
    new List<IUnitConverter>
        new CelsiusConverter(),
        new FahrenheitConverter()

var alerters = new List<IAlerter>
    new DropAlert("Freezing alert", 0.0m, 0.5m,()=>Console.WriteLine("----Freezing Alert------s")),
    new RaiseAlert("Boiling alert", 100, 0.5m,()=>Console.WriteLine("----Boiling Alert----")),
    new BidirectionalAlert("Nice temperature alert", 28.0m, 1m,()=>Console.WriteLine("----Other Alert------s"))

thermometer = new AlerterThermometer(Unit.Celsius,converter, alerters);

In the solution you will find an example console project that shows how to use the library: thermometer-console .


- .net Core or Docker

Build and Test

Build the solution:

> dotnet restore
> dotnet build 

Run the tests:

> dotnet test ./ThermometerLibrary.Tests/ThermometerLibrary.Tests.csproj

Run the examples

Run the example with dotnet:

> dotnet run -p ThermometerConsole/ThermometerConsole.csproj

Run the server example with dotnet:

> dotnet run -p ThermometerSercice/ThermometerService.csproj

Run the Temperature updater example to feed the Termomether servie with dotnet:

> dotnet run -p TemperatureUpdater/TemperatureUpdater.csproj

Run the example with Docker:

- build the image:
> docker build -t thermometer-console .
  • Run the container
> docker run -it --rm thermometer-console