Experimenting with deep learning for fish identification with Reef Life Survey data.
Prerequisites: Set up Python 3.10 (e.g., with pyenv) and Poetry.
Set up the Poetry environment:
$ poetry install
Install pre-commit hooks:
$ poetry run pre-commit install
Alternatively, install Vagrant and run everything in a virtual machine:
$ vagrant up
As a shortcut for running various development servers on the Vagrant machine, you can run:
$ vagrant provision --provision-with run-servers
Run via streamlit in local development mode (run on save, use local species images, and expose beta features – the
address is needed for the Mapbox API to work and a mapping should exist in /etc/hosts
$ poetry run streamlit run --browser.serverAddress ichthywhat.localhost --server.runOnSave true ichthywhat/app.py -- dev /path/to/img/root
Run via streamlit in production mode:
$ poetry run streamlit run ichthywhat/app.py
Build a new model by running the code in notebooks/03-app.ipynb
The Vagrant machine exposes a simple classification API. With the machine running, call:
$ curl -X POST -F "img_file=@image-file-path.jpg" http://localhost:9300/predict | jq
Alternatively, visit http://localhost:9300/demo for a simple demo page.
This API is also packaged in a Dockerfile, which can be built on the Vagrant machine:
$ podman build -t ichthywhat .
...and run with the default port exposed to the host:
$ podman run --env UVICORN_HOST= -p 8000:8000 localhost/ichthywhat:latest
...and exported elsewhere:
$ podman save localhost/ichthywhat:latest | gzip > ichthywhat-img.tar.gz
...then on another machine that has Docker, perhaps with a local proxy:
$ docker load --input ichthywhat-img.tar.gz
$ docker run --env UVICORN_HOST= -p localhost/ichthywhat:latest
See the ARG and ENV calls in the Dockerfile for customisation options.
$ poetry run jupyter notebook
Use MLflow:
$ poetry run mlflow ui --backend-store-uri sqlite:///mlruns.db
Create an RLS species dataset (legacy – from local files):
$ poetry run ichthywhat create-rls-species-dataset-from-local \
--m1-csv-path ~/projects/fish-id/data/dump-20210717/m1.csv \
--image-dir ~/projects/yanirs.github.io/tools/rls/img \
--output-dir data/rls-species-25-min-images-3/ \
--num-species 25 \
--min-images-per-species 3
Create an RLS species dataset (new – from API):
$ poetry run ichthywhat create-rls-species-dataset-from-api \
--output-dir data/rls-species-m1/
Create an RLS genus dataset:
$ poetry run ichthywhat create-rls-genus-dataset \
--image-dir ~/projects/yanirs.github.io/tools/rls/img \
--output-dir data/rls-top-5-genera \
--num-top-genera 5
Create a test dataset from a trip directory:
$ poetry run ichthywhat create-test-dataset \
--trip-dir ~/Pictures/202010\ Eviota\ GBR \
--output-dir data/eviota-202010