Welcome to the PaddlePaddle community! This is the starting point for joining and contributing to the PaddlePaddle community - improving documentation, improving code, giving presentations, etc.
- Please check our most recent community events in pinned issues.
- We have bi-week online Paddle framework contributor meetup, see details here: PFCC.
- Explore heartwarming community stories on our blog: blog.
PaddlePaddle adopts a hierarchical technical governance structure, please view roles and applying process here: community membership.
We have implemented several mechanisms to enhance community engagement and decision-making.
- PaddlePaddle OpenSource Development Working Group
- Paddle Framework Contributor Club
- PaddlePaddle SIGs
- RFCs are listed here, you can also poropose new ideas by creating new RFC.
- Many of our contribution events offer varying levels of mentorship from experienced community members. If you're interested in participating in our dedicated mentorship program, please review the details outlined in this document and consider applying: mentorship program.
- Contributor Recognition
- Paddle codebase authors are encouraged to include his/her github account and full name into AUTHORS.md
- Contributor author names will be included in the release notes.
- Individual contributors of Paddle framework could get a certification: Contribution Certification.
- Please file an issue or reach out to : ext_paddle_oss@baidu.com.
- For a complete overview, please visit: https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/developercommunity