- ✅ Cluster of Managed K8s.
- ✅ Terraform
- ✅ Ask cloud support for an alpha flag "LOGS_ALPHA" and "TRIGGERS_CLOUD_LOGS_ALPHA"
- ✅ Existing Yandex Data Streams
- ✅ To get the yds_id parameter, go to the deployed YDS and copy it from the endpoint tab, for example**etnrmbadnrson5algn3s**/stream-for-k8s-audit . Parameter etnrmbadnrson5algn3s is yds id
- If you doing this from Russia just create the file and fill it out like this to use yandex network mirror:
cat ~/.terraformrc
provider_installation {
network_mirror {
url = ""
- Fill out the fields in the file.
- Fill out the fields in the terraform.tfvars.example file. (example below)
- Run:
terraform init
terraform apply
Example of terraform.tfvars.example file:
folder_id = "b1gvnphpkgt8oechmpo0"
cloud_id = "b1g3o4minpkuh10pd2rj"
cluster_name = "k8s-for-export"
yds_stream_name = "stream-for-k8s-audit"
yds_id = "b1g3o4minpkuh10pd2rj"
yds_ydb_id = "etnrmbadnrson5algn3s"