- This repository checks the memory usage when converting HTML containing multibyte characters to PDF using weasyprint .
- For measuring memory, we use memory_profiler.
- このリポジトリは weasyprint を使用してマルチバイトの文字列を含む HTML を PDF に変換した際のメモリ使用量を確認するリポジトリです
- メモリ計測のため memory_profiler を使用しています
Replace <full-path-to-your-local-directory>
with the full path to the directory where you want to mount the volume inside the container.
git clone git@github.com:yamap55/weasyprint_memory_check.git
- Python 3.9.7
docker build -t weasyprint_memory_check_312 -f ./Dockerfile_python312 .
docker run -v <full-path-to-your-local-directory>:/app -it weasyprint_memory_check_312 /bin/bash
- Python 3.12.3(latest)
docker build -t weasyprint_memory_check .
docker run -v <full-path-to-your-local-directory>:/app -it weasyprint_memory_check /bin/bash
python main.py
root@da77985c9dc8:/app# python main.py
finished. 1.2 seconds
finished. 0.3 seconds
finished. 0.3 seconds
finished. 0.3 seconds
finished. 0.3 seconds
Filename: /app/main.py
Line # Mem usage Increment Occurrences Line Contents
6 44.5 MiB 44.5 MiB 1 @profile()
7 def create_pdf(file_path: str):
8 51.7 MiB 7.2 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
9 52.8 MiB 1.1 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
10 54.2 MiB 1.4 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
11 55.3 MiB 1.1 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
12 56.4 MiB 1.1 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
13 56.4 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 return True
finished. 5.0 seconds
finished. 4.9 seconds
finished. 5.0 seconds
finished. 5.0 seconds
finished. 5.0 seconds
Filename: /app/main.py
Line # Mem usage Increment Occurrences Line Contents
6 56.4 MiB 56.4 MiB 1 @profile()
7 def create_pdf(file_path: str):
8 117.9 MiB 61.5 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
9 182.9 MiB 65.0 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
10 200.0 MiB 17.1 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
11 236.8 MiB 36.8 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
12 272.8 MiB 36.0 MiB 1 generate(file_path)
13 272.8 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 return True
The issue also occurs with the latest version of Python (3.12.3).