This is an assignment for Computer Graphics and Fundamentals course.
- Showing two triangles, one simple and the other tessellated, both in line/wireframe drawing style
- Showing two tessellated and twisted triangles, both in filled-color form
- Show four other polygons, starting from a square up to an octagon (skipping heptagon: square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon), in line form
- Show the same as in the previous item, but as tessellated polygons (in line/wireframe drawing style), each polygon being split into a smaller set of triangles (using 5 recursive subdivisions)
- Show the same as the item above, but as filled and twisted polygons, starting from a triangle on the left to an octagon (skipping heptagon: triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon), in filled-color form
A demo can be found here
Common folder for matrix and vector calculations can be found Dr. Edward Angel website.