Manage Appointment Groups and Time Slots in Canvas. More info here.
Install Grails 3.3.2
Create environment variables for
propertiesmail: host: '${MAIL_HOST}' default: from: '${MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS}' replyTo: '${MAIL_REPLYTO_ADDRESS}' canvas: #Canvas Admin Access Token oauthToken: '${CANVAS_API_TOKEN}' #Base URL ex. https://<school> canvasBaseUrl: '${CANVAS_BASE_URL}' #Shared Secret used during LTI Install ltiSecret: '${SIGNUP_LTI_SECRET}' #Comma Delimited List of Canvas Role IDs that can manage Calendars #Viewable at Admin -> Permissions -> Course Calendar manageCalendarRoles: '${SIGNUP_CALENDAR_ROLE_IDS}' #Namespace used for storing custom user data via Users API customDataNS: '${CANVAS_API_CUSTOM_NS}' dataSource: username: '${DB_USERNAME}' password: '${DB_PASSWORD}'
Build & Run:
grails run-app
Install LTI in Canvas via XML Config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns=" imslticc_v1p0" xmlns:blti = "" xmlns:lticm ="" xmlns:lticp ="" xmlns:xsi = "" xsi:schemaLocation = " http:// http:// http://"> <blti:launch_url>http://<HOST>:8080/signup/LTI/launch</blti:launch_url> <blti:title>Signup Tool</blti:title> <blti:description>Alternate to Canvas Scheduler</blti:description> <blti:extensions platform=""> <lticm:property name="privacy_level">public</lticm:property> <lticm:options name="global_navigation"> <lticm:property name="icon_url">http://<HOST>:8080/signup/assets/calendar-clock_lg.svg</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="default">enabled</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="display_type">full_width</lticm:property> </lticm:options> </blti:extensions> </cartridge_basiclti_link>
- Any role in Canvas that has the ability to manage a course calendar will be able to create & manage Appointment Blocks (role ids configured in application.yml)
- The ability to create new Appointment Blocks is limited to the active term
- New Appointment Form
- Location is stored as custom user data in Canvas
- scope: /signup/location
- ns: configured in application.yml
- Calendars are limited to courses in the active term where the user is enrolled as a role with calendar management permissions
- Location is stored as custom user data in Canvas
- Slot Management
- New slots can be added, but won't be created until submitting the form
- Existing slots can be updated/deleted through the Save/Trash icons on the corresponding row
- Calendar managers (ie. Instructors, TAs, etc) can unreserve/reserve slots on behalf of a student or group
- Students can unreserve/reserve on behalf of themselves or their Group
- Student calendars are validated for both individual and Group reservation (warning will appear)
- If conflict exists, an option to delete conflicting appointment is displayed
- Notifications are managed in the MySQL database
- When Appointment Block is created, by default all notifications are disabled for the block
- Direct Message
- Calendar managers can send messages to participants of an Appointment Block
- The email address is retrieved from the user's Canvas profile
- All emails are sent asynchronously
- Calendar managers can view a summary of all reservations in the Appointment Block
- Deleting an Appointment Block will also delete all its slots and existing reservations
- The tool is installed in the Global Navigation bar
- "LOR External Tools" Feature needs to be enabled for it to appear
- The icon is packaged with the application and retrieved via URL
- Unpublishing Appointment Groups not allowed
- Solved by storing published status in MySQL DB, although still visible in Canvas Scheduler
- Updating Calendar
- Courses & Sections - Removing course/section is not supported by Canvas API, only adding
- Groups - Changing Group Calendar is not supported by Canvas API
- Participant Visibility
- Changing from "Not Visible" to "Visible" does not reflect retroactively, only new slots
- Canvas notifications are still triggered by appointment group events. The Canvas user would need to disable their “Scheduling” Notifications
- Adding custom javascript to Canvas theme is needed to change these links
- Student/Group calendars are not validated when an Instructor does this, so conflicts may exist