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Minecraft-like Game Scene Renderer

Group 3 of CSIT6000L Digital Design, 2022 Spring

Web UI Entry

Project Report

Presentation Slides

Presentation Script



Blurring Feature

Thin-lens Camera used to simulate the lens in physical camera, which the focus length can be manually control to focus on a range of focus distance. The related formula is:

1/f = 1/s + 1/i, where f, s, i are focus length, distance between image panel and lens, distance between lens and focal panel respectively.

In our implementation, s remain constant, so f is depend only on the given i (focus length).


Distant object burring Close object burring
Distant object burring 2 Close object burring 2

Rendering Result

image alt > Normal output

image alt < Blurred with focus_length=6.5

image alt >< Blurred with focus_length=3.5


-blurry [focus_length]

Web UI

Online Preview

via GitHub Page

Serve from local (via Python 3)

git clone

cd 6000lproj

python -m http.server


In-Browser Rendering

The Web UI is powered by WebAssembly and Emscripten, which can run the C++ renderer entirely inside the browser, without the need for any backend

image alt ><

Progress Bar and Stop

A progress bar is provided for better user experience. The rendering can also be manually stopped in case it's too slow with some arguments

image alt ><

Feedback frequency

The feedback frequency indicates how many times in a second to interrupt the rendering and report progress or receive stop instruction. It can be used as a trade-off between rendering time and UI responsiveness

image alt ><

Argument Settings Panel

The arguments settings panel can control all the rendering arguments intuitively

image alt ><

Input Scene File Selector

The input scene file is entered through a cascading selector

image alt ><

Command generating

The CLI command can also be generated with the settings panel

image alt ><

File System Sandbox

The Web UI also provides a file system sandbox based on the Emscripten FS API, allowing easy access to scene definition files and output files

image alt ><

Scene Definition Editor

The file system sandbox comes with a scene definition editor powered by the Monaco Editor

Parsing the Scene Definition DSL

To improve the editing experience, the scene definition DSL is parsed using the Chevrotain Parser Building Toolkit. The Concrete Syntax Tree (CST) is visualized as the following rail diagram

image alt ><

The parsed scene CST is then converted and binded to corresponding Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) (defined here), which is used to generate a series of functionality providers used by the Monaco Editor

Semantic Highlighting

The tokens in the scene definition files are colored according to their corresponding AST type

image alt ><

Semantic Parsing & Error Suggestion

Upon a failed AST parsing, the failed token is located and an error message is displayed

  • Unexpected Name image alt ><
  • Unexpected Value image alt ><
  • Misplaced Block image alt ><
  • Missing Argument image alt ><


The auto-fromatter is also built with the AST and can be invoked using Shift+Alt+F

image alt ><

Build Prerequisites

  1. Linux environment preferred (Arch Linux / Ubuntu)
  1. NodeJS (v17.9.0 or above) and NPM
# For Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S nodejs npm

# For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install nodejs
  1. Yarn Package Manager
npm install --global yarn
  1. Emscripten SDK (in ~/emsdk by default)
cd ~

# Get the emsdk repo
git clone

# Enter that directory
cd emsdk

# Fetch the latest version of the emsdk (not needed the first time you clone)
git pull

# Download and install the latest SDK tools.
./emsdk install latest

# Make the "latest" SDK "active" for the current user. (writes .emscripten file)
./emsdk activate latest


  1. In the project directory, build the web module using Emscripten SDK
# Activate PATH and other environment variables in the current terminal
source ~/emsdk/

# Build the project
emmake make web
  1. Install node modules
# Enter the front directory
cd front

# Install node modules
  1. Host the frontend
  • Start the development server

    yarn start
  • or build packaged frontend

    yarn build
    # If you have python installed, start HTTP server to view results
    python -m http.server -d dist/