This repo contains public circleci orbs in the ovotech namespace.
Orbs follow the conventions:
Directory named the same as the orb
A single Dockerfile in the executor directory (unless you specify publish-docker-image:false)
The orb yaml is in a file name
Published in the ovotech namespace
file may exist in an orb directory containing the version of the orb. (A new version is only published when the version changes) -
An entry in CODEOWNERS indicating which team maintains the orb - they will be responsible for reviewing any changes to the orb.
This project uses CircleCI path filtering. The publish job only runs for orbs with file changes.
Any new orb needs to be added to the path filter mapping and to the top and bottom of the Circle config
- ovotech/argocd - Interact with an ArgoCD API.
- ovotech/aws-get-parameters@1 - Get parameters from AWS Parameter Store.
- ovotech/aws-rotate-keys@2 - Rotate AWS access keys and update corresponding CircleCI environment variables.
- ovotech/clair-scanner@1 - Scan Docker images for vulnerabilities.
- ovotech/rac-gcp-deply@1 - Deploy Scala services to a Kubernetes cluster running in Google Cloud.
- ovotech/set-current-environment@1 - Set current environment (master branch, tag or other) to environmental variable.
- ovotech/terraform@1 - Plan and apply Terraform modules, with terraform <=0.14
- ovotech/terraform-v2@2 - Plan and apply Terraform modules, with terraform >=0.14
- ovotech/tools-install@1 - Download and unpack tools archives
- ovotech/with-git-deploy-key@1 - Execute Git operations on another repo selecting specific public key.
- ovotech/clojure - test, scan and package Clojure projects built using Leiningen.
- ovotech/oot-eks - deploy services to EKS, OOT-style.
- ovotech/oot-deploy - deploy services via Argo, OOT-style.
- ovotech/sbt-deploy - Deploy services via Argo, using Kustomize.
- ovotech/jaws-journey-deploy - Provides a standard deployment process for all jaws journey repositories.
- ovotech/pipeline-utils - Miscellaneous bash commands to ease CircleCI pipeline development.
- ovotech/ipa-deploy - IPA team deployment notification templates.
Other orbs in the ovotech namespace:
- ovotech/shipit@1 - Run shipit and record deployments to