This package gets the data sent from terMITes and sends it to the ROS system.
TerMITes are embedded devices created by Carson Smuts at MIT Media Lab
You will have to install the serial library for Python:
user@machine:~$ sudo pip install pyserial
Create a catkin workspace and paste the folder:
user@machine:~$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src
user@machine:~/catkin_ws/src$ git clone
user@machine:~/catkin_ws/src$ cd .. && catkin_make
If it compiles without errors, open a terminal and start a roscore:
user@machine:~$ roscore
On another terminal run:
user@machine:~$ rosrun termites_ros
To check if it's working, you can open a third terminal and run:
user@machine:~$ rostopic echo /termite
The hardware_rule folder contains intructions on ow to set the udev rules for the terMITe