Package that will allow you to control 4 separate dynamixels as if there were eyes! [Checkout the video here]
Here's a sample pic of the eyes:
What you will need is:
Dynamixel AX-12A (I used 4, but you can use as many as you want).
12 V power supply (at least 1 A).
Webcam (The one used is a Logitech C930).
This packages were tested with:
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
ROS kinetic with the following packages:
dynamixel control
CUDA 9.0.
Tensorflow (versions 1.5 and 1.9):
- You will need to install Tensorflow's Object Detection API.
OpenCV (for C++ and Python 2.7)
Deep Learning Library (DLib) for C++ (version 19.10).
- If you want to use another version of DLib, you will need to change the CMakeLists.txt from eyecu package. Specifically change this line:
add_subdirectory($ENV{HOME}/cmake_workspace/dlib-<VERSION>/dlib dlib_build)
Boost library.
To compile the project with DLib, you'll need to do the following steps:
foo@bar:~$ cd $HOME
foo@bar:~$ mkdir cmake_workspace && cd cmake_workspace
foo@bar:~$ wget
foo@bar:~$ tar -xf dlib-19.15.tar.bz2
foo@bar:~$ rm -rf dlib-19.15.tar.bz2 (optional)
Once you are able to compile, you can launch the whole system by typing:
foo@bar:~$ roslaunch eyecu start_dynamixel_tracking_tensorflow.launch (for tensorflow)
foo@bar:~$ roslaunch eyecu start_dynamixel_tracking.launch (for OpenCV or Dlib)
This version doesn't use Lidar or Pointcloud. If you want more accuracy in your measurements you can checkout v1.5-lidar-camera.
This work was inspired by Lentin Joseph's dynamixel tracking package.