A custom resource written in Python to create acm certificates in cloudformation with automatic DNS validation for domains managed by AWS hostedzone and the option to create the certificate in a different region then the cloudformation stack region.
- Create acm certificate with dns validation:
- custom parameters:
- Domain name
- Additional domains
- Validation domain
- Region
- Tags
- custom parameters:
- Automatic DNS validation of the acm certificate
- Specify AWS region to create the certificate in, independent of the Cloudformation stack region
- Cleanup DNS validation records and deleting the acm certificate on delete of the Cloudformation stack
Python 3.7
S3 bucket to put the custom resource package
cd cloudar-acm-plus-custom-resource
sh install_dependencies
sh pack_custom_resource
Upload the zip file cloudar-acm-plus-custom-resource/packed/cloudar-acm-plus-custom-resource.zip to the S3 bucket you want to use with your custom resource in a cloudformation template.
See cfn.yaml as an example.
For the delete and cleanup functionality it is required to set the following output in your cloudformation.
Description: The arn of the certificate created by NameCustomResource
Value: !GetAtt NameCustomResource.certificate_arn
Parameters for Type: Custom::CreateCertificates :
- DomainName: (REQUIRED type:String) The domain name for the acm certificate.
- AdditionalDomains: (OPTIONAL type:List) Additional domains for the acm certificate
- ValidationDomain: (REQUIRED type:string) The domain name for the validation domain of the acm certificate
- HostedZoneId: (REQUIRED type:string) The hosted zone id for the validation domain of the acm certificate
- CertificateRegion: (REQUIRED type:string) The region to deploy the acm certificate in
- IdempotencyToken: (REQUIRED type:string pattern: \w+) The idempotency token for the create call of the acm certificate doc: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/APIReference/API_RequestCertificate.html#ACM-RequestCertificate-request-IdempotencyToken
- CertificateTags: (OPTIONAL type:list) The tags for the acm certificate
Outputs for Type: Custom::CreateCertificates :
- certificate_arn: The arn of the acm certificate created by the custom resource. (!GetAtt NameCustomResource.certificate_arn)